🔮 Tonight we're revisiting the validation of debt dispute letter method for removing collections such as medical, utility, apartment, and insurance 3rd-party collections and it includes the dispute letter process to the credit bureaus as well. You can access the 8-letter series at https://bio.my740.com - just click on "Store" and choose "VOD".
Watch Be Careful with the Validation of Debt Method video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8RXWwrpWoA&t=1s
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⭐️ Video notes
Hey, what's up today we're talking about how to remove a third party collections. From your credit report, I'm talking about medical utility apartment car insurance. If there's a third party collection, and you don't know how to remove it, then this is the validation of debt method. Now, I actually posted this video a long time ago, a couple of years ago, obviously, I've been doing this since 2017, on YouTube alone, and it actually took off, but it got a lot of people's panties in bunches, because they didn't understand that there's very specific things with the validation of debt that you shouldn't be doing. And I'm going to give you that but make sure that you stay to the end of this video, because I'm actually going to give you the key to removing them with the collectors. And with the Bureau's. As you can see the letter three is the key in letter three is the key. So watch the end, and you're going to know exactly what to do. And you can also check out the description for the link to get this series. Alright, so let's get right to this. First thing that you need to know is that removing third party collections is probably the easiest type of account that you could possibly remove in dispute, right? I mean, if you're looking at third party versus debt buyer versus you know, charge off, obviously, third party is going to be the easiest, okay? And out of third party medical is going to be easier than apartments easier than car insurance and easier than utilities. Okay, so if you have medical, and this is definitely the process that you want to use to remove. But what you don't want to use this on is going to be debt buyer collections, especially those within the statute limitations, because just as I explained in this video, you're putting yourself in legal jeopardy by saying, hey, here I am, sue me, I'm making money, I'm trying to, you know, change my life, and you don't want to do that. Alright. So what you want to do is sending out this four letter series, most of my clients never actually get to letter four, because we implement this process as well as our complaints. But some people do when they're doing it themselves, or they just incorrectly jump to letter four. Okay, so letter one is the validation of debt, it's very straightforward, I don't have to explain that letter to those two, a four, if they respond in letter to B, if they do not respond. Now, if they do respond, they're going to give you some sort of BS statement or something, hey, here's your proof, obviously, it's not going to be real proof. And so you're just going to move on after that to letter three. If they do not respond, you're also going to go to letter three, where this is the key. Now, make sure you watch to the end of the video, because I'm going to explain the difference between the key over here and the key over here. And timing. It's super, super, super, super imperative. Alright, so they're required to enter the notice of dispute, they are not going to enter it nine times out of 10, they're not going to, that is why this works letter for you're probably not going to have to utilize it. It's where you actually go to the court, you're going to file against them, send a copy of it with your letter. Now, here's the deal. You're also disputing with the Bureau's but there's a huge difference, you're not sending out a template, you're not sending in a validation of debt request, what you're doing is on letter one, you're actually going to say, Hey, this is unknown, you're unable to verify your need to remove it, I have no idea what this is, you're actually placing the burden of proof on them as per Cushman versus TransUnion, from 1997, where Congress stated that the Bureau's actually have to do some sort of actual investigation instead of just going based on the data furnisher seeing it verify.
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