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How to Remove student loans from your credit report. And not only that, but I'm going to explain the difference between updating the actual account to show zero late payments and how to remove the entire thing. Now, you're going to want to make sure that you stay to the end of this, this live broadcasts because I'm going to give you the key to doing both of them. So you can't just stay for one part and not the other, because you're going to miss it. Now, make sure that you smash that like, and if you haven't done so already, subscribe so that you can learn how to remove these things. Alright, so here's the reason that we want to learn how to remove student loans, they're one of the most difficult things that you could possibly ever dispute besides bankruptcy. And that's the reason you're gonna want to know the key to doing this. And I do have a student loan course I may post them in the description in as a pin comment later on. But I didn't do that yet. So there's a major difference between disputing to get rid of the late payments and disputing to get rid of the entire account. And we have two totally different methods. Okay. Now, if you only have, let's just say three late payments, we can dispute to get rid of those late payments, kind of like magic to make it look like you had never paid late before. But if it shows 120 days late, you're not going to be able to remove those late payments, okay, so 90 days, okay. 30 days, okay, 60 days, okay, not 120. And this also goes for any other type of accounts such as a charge off, okay? So we're going to start with the late payments, and one of the things that you're going to want to stay for again, is the key. So make sure that you are here, alright, because we're not going to go over this. Again, we did talk about this partially last night, if you missed that, you're going to want to go over to my channel and check that out. So the way that you're going to remove the late payments on a student loan, okay, and I'm talking about no net, Sallie Mae Navient, specifically, Navient, not US Department of Education, those actually come over as collections and those are handled like this, not like this. Okay. So the very first thing is, we are going to put the burden of proof on whoever the heck it is. Okay, so Nelnet, Navient, Sallie Mae, whatever, and the credit bureaus, and one of the things that you're going to want to reference is Cushman versus TransUnion, from 1997, where the congressional opinion was that the burden of proof is not on you the consumer, the burden of proof is on the credit bureaus and the creditor or the collector Okay, so when they're coming back and saying, oh, it's verified as accurate, you need to go handle it with so on and so forth. There is no so on and so forth. It is no dude, you have the grave responsibility to ensure that the information on my credit report is correct. Go check it out. Okay, so next part you are going to go and check out the oldest late payment so for example, you were 90 days late, like on time on time on time, 90 days late, and then you were not late again until maybe I don't know if the year after okay, we're going to go back to that very firstly payments. So your first date of delinquency go find whatever it is go use smart credit shows, you know, a significantly longer payment history then identity IQ or my score IQ. You can also check out my FICO I don't use that specifically for disputing. But to get that late payment date, you might want to check it out. Okay, a little bit more expensive, though.
So we're gonna get that date and we're gonna say, I did not pay late, or I paid on time, okay, for X date. So if it was April 2021, you're gonna say April 2021, April 2021 was paid on time, please update to you, you know, paid as agreed, never late or however you want to phrase it. Okay. Now, pausing right there real quick. If you want to see if I can personally do a credit sweep for you, you can use that link right up here and down in the description. And I'll see if I can help and increase your credit score and remove negative items. Alright, so the reason that we're using the oldest late payment is very, very simple. Okay? The older whatever it is, you're disputing the harder it is for them to either a get proof which are not going to anyways and B to verify. Okay. Another thing is that you want to see if these late payments are reported consistently between the bureau so if you have actually run it down here, let's just say that you have Equifax shown that you were okay. But another Bureau showing that you were 30 days late. Obviously, that doesn't make any sense. Was I on time, or was I late? I cannot be both of them. Okay. And remember, these things are added by humans and that is the reason that you're actually seeing this information all over the place. Okay. All right. So, you're first going to go and say I paid on time for this date. You need to remove all these late payments however many there are within a three month period for inaccuracy and inconsistency, okay. And you can go on, you can just view that next late payment, and you can go in dispute your next late payment. So that is three rounds right there that you have the ability to get rid of these late payments, we're not going to use all of them in one round. Okay. And again, make sure that you stay because I'm going to show you how to remove the entire account right now, we are only talking about updating the late payments to make it look like you had never paid late. Okay, that is one way to do it. Another way to do it, and this is going to be the key to getting these late payments off is maybe you don't have 30 days late 30 days late, maybe you don't have 60 days late. What if it starts with 90 days? What if it literally says okay, okay, okay, 90, what are you going to do? I mean, do you say I wasn't 30 days late on X date? Do you say, oh, wasn't CCD later on next day? No, because you don't have 30 or 60? Let me ask you a question, though. How should these late payments be reported? Should it be 3060 90? Or should it be on time on time on time? 90 or on time on time on time? You know, 120? However, the reporting? The answer to this is very, very simple using common sense, okay. 3060 90. If it is not reported like that, then guess what it is inaccurate. And you can dispute it. So if you're seeing this specifically with Navient, who was sued multiple times for Miss applying payments to consumer accounts, which you can also use go and google it. So you know what you're talking about in your dispute letter, okay, smash that, like, if you didn't know that, then these are going to be or this is going to be the way that you can remove those late payments and your dispute reason is going to be very, very simple. You cannot report that I was 90 days late without 30 or 60 days, prior late payments, you know, remove this move, move it me remove this 90 day late payment, however you want to word it, but that's the premise behind this. I use this for tons and tons of clients and it works many, many times more than a dozen. Okay. Now, another thing that you can do is you can actually use your late payment history to remove this entire account. So now we're talking about removing this entire student loan from your credit report. Okay? So the same way you can say, you know, I paid on time for you know, X date, so April 2021, please delete this account for inaccuracy because they're not gonna be able to verify it, you know, there's no people, there's no investigation, there's no none of that stuff. So when we're giving them all these facts, it's going to be significantly easier for you the consumer to be able to get it taken off without even going past the bureaus. Okay. That is our actual goal. Our goal is not to get it to Navient or no net or whoever our goal is to get the Bureau's to remove it. So with removing the account from the credit report, you can actually go again, after the oldest late payment, asked for deletion, another one and make sure that you stay because I'm going to give you the key to removing this from your credit report. And if you don't implement all these things, then guess what? The key that I'm going to give you isn't going to mean anything okay. First it is delinquency. dispute it through get the entire account removed, 90 days late, okay, okay. Okay, 90 Okay. Okay. 90 dispute it to get it removed instead of correcting the account.
So your difference in your dispute would be not and update you, you know, paid on time it would be and remove this account for inaccuracy. All right. Another thing is, is that when they're just when they are reporting that you paid on time when you were actually late and on time when you were actually late and then that you're 90 days late, they're thinking that they're doing you a solid for not actually reporting you late until you're 90 days late. However, that's not the way that the FCRA is you know, today's that your account should actually be reported right. So what the main premise here is, they can't report it like this. So you can either a update the account or be delete the entire account. Your next thing besides going through the payment history is to treat this account as a charge off. What that means is everything that I've ever taught you on the pyramid like when I was live yesterday talking about the pyramids thing at the top of the pyramid with your dispute in your dispute reasons. We're going to use that same premise here okay. So if you go up to the Payment History doesn't work you can go after you know violations, it doesn't work, whatever now treat it as a charge off if you can't go up to the late payments of the payment history, or everything is reported 100% accurately and consistently. Now we can go date last paid then date last active then Hit them. And this is the key again to this part, hit them with the notice of dispute, okay? So when you dispute and they receive it, they're supposed to within 30 days, enter the notice of dispute, okay? And if you didn't know, this smash that like, alright, so that is a violation pursuant to section 623 of the FCRA. If they do not enter it within that 30 day period, okay. And most of the time, they're not going to So guess what, that's like a violation for free, we want to be able to use this violation, though, don't just get the violation and then do nothing with it. That's like having a wild card that you just throw behind, you know, we're going to hit them with that when we send it, they don't do anything about it. They didn't answer it. Now that violation round two. Now we can either use a factual dispute go after the payment history go after their failure to answer sort of do the CME update, the date last reported or been gone through the notice of dispute? Okay, so normally, I go after notice of dispute on either round two, or round three, it is completely and totally up to you, but you want to have an action plan, when you are going after student loans, because they are so so so difficult. Like, if you want to list the most difficult down to like the easiest, very first one would be bankruptcy, then student loans, then foreclosures. So I mean, the easiest is going to be medical and judgments and tax liens, you can get those off as soon as like five days. And if you didn't know that, I have other videos that explain that. So you're gonna want to make sure that number one he subscribes, you can remove these things. And number two, you check out my channel and the other 800 videos I have. So you can learn how to do this, okay, you can even use like keyword search and put in medical or bankruptcy or judgments or portfolio recovery, whatever it is that you're looking for. I have a video on it. All right. It's only been eight years going on nine and 800 video,
so Yeah, dude, there's a video for it. Alright, so when you're doing your action plan, you're going to want to list at least for the credit report that you're looking at how you're going to go after round one, round two, round three, round four, and stop at round five. So we want to know what artists it would be for round one. So let's just say that it's date last paid, or up to date last active round three payment history, round four for data delinquency, wrong five, notice that dispute however you want to do it, you're going to want to know exactly how you're going to go after them. And then you're going to update it as time goes on. Now, what do I mean by time goes on? Aren't they just going to delete it? Because there's a violation? Are they going to delete it just because I show them that there's a violation or an inaccuracy or inconsistency? No, no, no, you may be able to get it off one Bureau, but the likelihood that you're going to get it off all three at the same time is actually very, very low, unless it's Nelnet, or Navient, or Sallie Mae or whoever that actually removes it from your credit report. Okay, so keep that in mind. If you go after these things, without knowing ahead of time how you're going to handle this, then it's going to be very, very difficult, you're going to get frustrated, you know, and you're probably going to give up. And that's exactly what the credit bureaus want you to do, which is why they don't respond, which is why they don't put the notice of dispute, which is why they send stall tactics and say that you're working with a credit repair company, all of these things are to get you to go away. And now that you know how to handle this, you're not going to go away. Alright, so as a recap, for updating the account to remove the late payments, but keep the account and show us if you had paid on time doesn't work for charge off doesn't work for a settled account is only if you have a maximum of three late payments, maximum 90 days, okay? You are going to go after the late payments, put the burden of proof on them, you are going to go after the inconsistencies in the actual reporting of the account, you're going to then go after, you know any inconsistencies like that. So, you know, okay 3060 90 You know, 3060 however, and then if that doesn't work, there's other things that you can go after, such as violations and the rest of you know, using the general formula and a pyramid, okay. Normally, this handles it though, okay, if you're going to remove that account, you are not first going to treat it as a charge off meaning going down the hierarchy, you're actually first going to go after the payment history. Okay. So oldest late payment, firstly to delinquency, late payment history, and then we're going to treat it as a charge off with the date last pay date, less active notice dispute date, last reported, etc. Okay. And again, the key to removing the entire account is the notice of dispute. All right? There's many, many, many violations that you will be able to get by disputing these things, but the majority of the time I removed them and this is just keeping an eye on me. I don't know. You know, I don't know nor do I care what other people do because I've been doing the same thing you know, just getting better Obviously, every single year and this is how I get them off. Alright, now if you want to number one, learn how to remove the student loans. You want to do it at your own pace. In maybe 15 minutes or so want to get back to my computer I will post that link down in the description and as the pinned first comment, or if you want to see if I can do a credit suite for you that link is literally right here my seven forty.com Okay, now if you have questions about student loans, I don't have the chat open right now because I'm literally showing you how to do something. But you can comment on any of my videos or come back to this one later once it poses a replay and let me know what it is that you're struggling with about this specifically, and I'll help you if I can. Okay, but that is it. I just wanted to explain this in less than 20 minutes, but you're gonna want to check out the live that I did last night on the four steps to remove literally any account from your credit report minus child support and foreclosures and process okay, so head over to my channel and I want for you to watch that one. Okay, it is very, very important and it's also going to help you understand a little bit more about this. Okay, so that's it smash the like, if you haven't done so subscribe if you haven't done so, and I will see you later. Bye
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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