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Credit Bureau Violations and Credit Repair Tactics

🔮 See if a credit sweep can help fix your credit at or check out my biggest credit sweep secrets at Today we're talking about credit bureau violations, credit repair tactics, how to remove negative items, the AJERO formula and even identity theft credit sweeps! You may now check out my video call options including a credit report review and "Ask Me How" services at SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🔮 ✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with SmartCredit or IdentityIQ: ✨ 🧙‍♀️ GET HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT JOURNEY DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - 🦸‍♀️ DFY credit sweep service free consultation 🦸‍♀️ Let's jump on a call and see if I can help! ⭐️ Video Notes:

Today I'm gonna explain to you why so many consumers, millions of consumers do not get results when they send in their disputes. And guess what? It's not because they're using the wrong dispute reason? No, it might be because they're sending in the wrong dispute reason, but it actually has to do with mindset. You see, I had a conversation today with a very nice young lady. And I'm going to share part of that conversation with you and explain that the mindset that you need to have is the most important thing, especially right now, post pandemic disputes. Now, why do I say that? Why is it different now than it ever was before? Well, the Bureau's are getting 1.5 million disputes per month per Bureau versus the 150 to 180,000 disputes they were getting before. So guess what, they're going to stall, you scare you ignore you and get rid of you as fast as cheaply as possible. And they're doing this because their job is to keep this information on your credit report, keep you subprime. make enough money off of your information, before you actually go and either hire a company that's going to do the right thing, or before you figure it out yourself. You see, they sell your information, your data, my data, his data, her data, right, and the creditors pay more money for lower scores, because they can charge higher interest, their job is to keep us all subprime. Right. And obviously, our job is to get higher scores, and, you know, nice, pretty report, but you're not going to get there if you don't understand these things. So yes, is there a conflict of interest? Absolutely. The same people who investigate for removals are the same people who obviously profit off of our subprime information, okay. So that is the first thing that you want to understand the Bureau's are not there to help you, they're there to get money off of you to make money off of you. And they're there to stall you scare you. And like I said, make you go away as fast as possible. And you, you, my friend needs to be that person standing at that door knocking, knocking, knocking until they open it and you better not go away. So let's get over into this, I'm gonna share part of the conversation that I had with this nice young woman, and we're gonna get right to it. So on the left hand side, we have the credit bureaus on the right hand side, we have you the consumer. Now, I tried to break this down in the easiest way that I possibly could. But if there's some confusion, I apologize. Alright, so the best part of this conversation was actually speaking with someone that understood the process, you see, I spend more talk time on my calls, talking about the process, then I do my program. And, you know, that's not my job. That's not part of what I do. But obviously, I needed to inform my prospects or other people who want to sign up for my program. Because most of the time, just probably like yourself, you don't understand these specific things like timing has nothing to do with me totally out of my control. Okay. Now, let's get over into this part of the conversation. And I'm going to blow your mind the same way that she blew mine. Alright, so here's the deal. On the left hand side, we have the Bureau's on the right hand side, we have you the consumer. Now, what we're going to talk about is very, very, very simple. And it goes with the fact that if you don't have the right mindset, you're not going to get your results because you're gonna give up when they don't respond to you, when they don't market as disputed when they don't pay attention to your CFPB complaints. What do you do? What do you do? Do you just throw your hands up in defeat and wait seven years like they want you to? The answer to that is no. And I'm going to explain what you need to do instead. But let's get started. So this person is an actual victim of identity theft. Now, if you look at Section 605 B of the FCRA, it specifically states that the Bureau's are required to given an actual identity theft report, remove your negative identity within four business days. Do they do that? Now? If you've ever disputed that way, you already know? No, they no longer do back in 2013? Yes, they did. 2015? Yes, they did. 2018? Yes, they did. 2019. Now, absolutely not. You are going to spend two years proving that you, my friend are a victim of identity theft. Now, why is that? Well, there's a go along with the fact that they're getting 1.5 million disputes that they just can't handle. Yes, but more importantly, millions of consumers utilize this method when they were not supposed to. So that means when you go to the Bureau's with your dispute letter in your actual police report, noting all of these accounts in your affidavit, that's it two bad tough cookies, those things are still going to be on your credit report. So what do you do? Do you really want to spend two years proving you're a victim of fraud? Do you want to make 9 million CFPB complaints? Do you want to go and attack the CFO, you know, CFPB, the FTC, the Ag the BBB? Or would you rather have a proven system that actually walks you through step by step how to remove your negative items, using factual based disputes using the information reported by the Bureau's creditors and collectors. Now, obviously, the answer to that is pretty obvious, right? I would rather have a proven system instead of wasting my time, but you're probably wondering, Well, Kristen, you can't tell me that they're not going to remove this stuff because there's a law that says that they're required to within four business days, okay. be my guess. Go ahead, see what happens yourself right. Now, when it does happen to you come back and rewatch this video and actually listen to what I'm telling you here. Okay? So guess there's a lot that you have to realize no one's going to jail, no one's getting arrested, no one's losing their job, no one's getting in trouble. This is not criminal law. The way that you win these fights these disputes is it's a paper fight. It's a paper war, you win using your due process to dispute and making a paper trail. Okay, we're gonna talk about paper trail down here, because this is your straight path to victory. And that is what I'm going to give you at the end of this video. Now, before I get ahead of myself, because I have a lot going through my head right now that I need to share with you, this is so so very important. I'm trying to not go off on tangents. If you are a victim of identity theft, yes. First use 605 B, if it doesn't work, then you're gonna go down here and utilize factual based disputes. Okay. Now, again, even though there's a law that says that you have to understand that the Bureau's use these laws as guidelines, it's not like, Hey, you were speeding, you get a ticket, you either pay or you go to jail. These laws are not like that. Okay, can you take them to court? Yeah, they're probably not going to show up, you might win, you know, it's probably going to whatever, eventually, somewhere down the road, they'll remove it from your credit report. And hey, you know, you might get like $1,000 out of it for a violation. But do you really want to go through that? Do you really want to have to contact the representatives and pay the money directly serve them and blah, blah? I don't know, I'm not you. But I have a better process for this. Now, look at number two. And this is a huge, huge, huge one. If you go and look at these videos in these courses, in these gurus and all of that, they're going to tell you that you can remove negative items in 30 to 45 days, because there's a law that says that the Bureau's are required to respond to you. Well, guess what? No, they're not going to respond to you. I'm not responding to millions of consumers right now. But I can tell you what you're supposed to do when they don't respond. That's number one. Number two, you have no way to prove that they didn't respond. Because when you go to court, and when you prove you sent a letter, right, because they're gonna send it certified and all of that, all they have to say is we sent one back, because they don't send you anything certified, but their system is for sure. Going to say, we sent out a letter and so what's your straight path of victory? Well, Your straight path to victory is actually creating a paper trail. It's all about a paper trail. Now, if and there's no judgement here, but if you ever been to jail, or you know, maybe you're in the military, maybe you know, someone who's in the system or anything like that, you know, everything has to do with timeliness. Everything has to do with a paper war. And this is exactly the same. It all has to do with submitting certain things and fighting certain things within a specific period of time, using all of your paperwork, building your case, and then going and fighting right, this is no different. Your straight path to victory is creating your paper trail. Okay. And this is your violation log your their failure to respond all of that stuff. Alright, so now let's go down to the next one. Accounts not marked in dispute, I dealt with this one today. So here's the deal. Again, the Bureau's are there to get rid of you. Right. And their job is to state that something has been disputed. Now, again, just because there's a law section 623 that states that within 30 days of receiving your first dispute, they're required to actually mark it as dispute, it doesn't mean that they're going to Okay, so how do you know if they've received it? Well, you can use certified mail or you can add tracking if you want to right, or you can check the data loss reporting you can do different things at doesn't necessarily mean that there's been no investigation or that your items are not in investigation or in under an investigation or whatever, just because something is not marked as disputed. One thing I want for you to remember is that there's a law because it's something that they don't do. Okay, that is the most important thing with all of this. Everything has to do with there being a law that they don't follow there being a law that they break all the time. Okay, so let's go down to the next one. We don't understand your dispute we don't understand the nature of your dispute. We already investigated this you didn't send in your identification. Now the stall tactic another scare tactic, let's go down to the next one. All of these are stall and scare tactics that they the bureaus will send to you. We don't understand the nature of your dispute. We already investigated this you didn't submit your identification so on and so forth. You're dealing with a credit repair company we don't believe it was you what do you do when you receive number one you keep on disputing number two make your dispute factual number three, you build your paper trail number four, you win your paper war by continuing to build your paper trail number five, you win your war and go straight path to victory by actually proving that they didn't do their job. Transcribed by


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