Today I'm sharing with you the secret to removing negative accounts from a credit report and it includes a checklist, which can be accessed at This will show you how to dispute the derogatory accounts using the credit sweep method as well as how to use the hierarchy, what to look for on a credit report to dispute it, what information should be used 1st and how to construct the dispute letter and dispute reason. Sounds like a lot but I promise, it's good stuff!
Be Careful with Validation of Debt Method
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⭐️ Video notes:
Look, if you are still struggling to remove your collections foreclosures, repossessions bankruptcies, late payments, judgments, whatever from your credit report, then this is probably the video that you want to watch and you need to watch it to the end.
Now, here's the reason I'm giving you a checklist to maximize your dispute letter and I'm going to show you exactly what you need to do.
To first of all, locate your - items what to do with them, what to look for, how to put it into a dispute letter so that you can again maximize your dispute letter to their maximized.
Your results right now.
Here's the deal.
There's so many people that just say they, you know, you just plug all this information into a template and the template and wham bam.
Thank you made me.
Get all of your results.
No, it doesn't work like that.
If it worked like that.
Then guess what?
You wouldn't be watching this video because you would have done it already and those same people that have those templates, that probably wouldn't even get stuck in the system and verified as accurate immediately after receiving it without investigation would probably go meet the president because they have the instant cure to bad credit and There is no such thing.
That's why you are here watching this video and you need to watch it to the end.
First of all, I want you to go and like this video, subscribe if you haven't done.
So and we are going to get to this.
Alright, so we have a dispute letter checklist and then another checklist to remove all instances of certain words and phrases.
Now what I want you to do, while you're watching this video is put away, everything put literally take in from your brain, everything that you've already learned outside of what I've taught you about.
Out how to fix your credit.
Okay, everything that you need to know.
Basically everything virtually everything is going to be right here.
So without further Ado we're going to get right to it.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a credit report and I'm going to put it right next to this and we're just going to go fix this real quick so that we can stick both of them on here.
Might need to be a little bit smaller, going to move this stuff over.
So the reason that we're doing this is you can see what you need to you right next to you.
What I'm doing, okay, here we go.
So we have a credit report and I found one that has quite a few negative items on it.
And what we're going to do is exactly, as I mentioned.
We're going to go locate all the drug ettore accounts.
We are then going to load you all the inaccuracies for each of those accounts.
And we're going to create a hierarchy of the inaccuracies for those accounts.
So why are we doing this?
Well, we're doing this very simply because it's not easy to remove.
From your credit report in anybody that tells you otherwise is just trying to get in your wallet.
So what we're going to go do is find our negative items and you should be taking this information from a website such as identity, AQ, smart, credit or my score IQ.
Now the difference between identity, a queue and smart credit is going to be that identity IQ actually shows a two-year payment history and smart credit.
Shows a seven-year payment history.
If you want to use identity IQ.
There's a link down the description.
A little bit of a caveat here.
That is my affiliate link and it's going to give you a discount for 2199 per month.
Instead of twenty nine.
Nine per month.
I do not have one for smart credit.
So at least at this time, I don't.
So let's go check out our dispute letter checklist locate all derogatory accounts, then locate all inaccuracies for each account.
Create a hierarchy of the inaccuracies per each account.
Create a dispute reason.
For the number one in accuracy, at the top of the hierarchy compose a dispute.
Better include the number one reason for each account include the reason why you are writing the letter and send out your dispute.
Now while that may sound like a lot, we got a lot going on here.
I promise you that it once you actually do this and you do it right the first time or at least one time.
It's not going to be that difficult in the future.
Now the reason that we're doing this is because again, it's not easy to remove these things.
These are not meant to come off your credit report.
So if you are not disputing the right way, you're not going to get them removed.
So again, take everything out of your head that you've already learned in.
This is what you're going to want to do.
So I've located my first account.
So this is GM Financial and what we're looking for, are going to be the negative accounts that are asking me - things that we can inaccurate things that we can just beyond our - account.
So, obviously we have payment history that we can dispute.
We have a couple of things here in the date loss, active the date last paid and if this account had been disputed before, Which it has not, we would be looking at the date last reported, and we'd be looking for the required notice to dispute.
But because this hasn't been disputed before, it's not going to be on there.
So this is not.
This account is not in violation.
So now per our checklist now that we've found our inaccurate - account, we need to find the number one reason that we can actually dispute this.
So let's go check this out.
If we look at our payment history, you're going to see that for October 21.
We have TransUnion reporting a 30-day, we have experienced reporting on time and we have Equifax reporting 30 days.
Obviously that's inaccurate that can be used to remove all of these late payments.
A little bit of a caveat here.
We have 120 days late.
So now you have to ask yourself.
Can I correct 120 days, late?
And the answer to this is going to be.
No, you cannot correct.
120 days late.
So, you actually have to use one of these reasons that were actually We looking out over here to remove this entire account.
So it cannot be corrected.
This account has to be removed entirely.
Okay, so to do this, let's check to see between the Dateline to active the date.
Last paid and the payment payment history, which one is going to be our number one.
So if we look at data loss payments, as 620 1621 and 1021.
I probably wouldn't use that.
If we look at day last activist says one 20 21, 22 n 1021.
I would probably still go down.
With the payment history on that.
So if we go over to write our letter over here, let's just do this.
We're going to open up our dispute letter.
Let's go type this out.
So this is typing out our entire letter and our dispute reason.
So obviously, we have to put our personal information are going to put our name address.
We're going to put our date of birth and or social it's like it's actually going to be your full social do not put just Just, you know, x x x dash, x x, dash 1, 2, 3 4, don't do it.
If you do that, it's going to give the bureau's a reason to reject your letter, right?
We're going to put today's date.
We're going to put whichever Bureau you want to write.
Let's just say it's going to be experienced.
And let's first go out and draft.
The reason that we're writing this letter.
Okay, so we're going to say very simply, I found a few inaccuracies on the following accounts.
And these need to be removed.
Please send me a new credit report.
Reflecting these changes.
That's it.
That's literally all you have to put.
So now we're going to go grab.
The Creditor name is GM Financial.
We're going to put the account number 11, 2012, 35.
And I put a dash and now I'm going to create my dispute reason.
So for our despair reason, we're going to be using the gyro formula that a general formula actually includes a couple different things and it's very important that you do this the right way.
So let me If I can go and grab let's grab a note.
Okay, so the general formula if you haven't heard of it before because I created it.
It's very simple.
It's going to be action justifier element reason and for late payments outcome.
All right.
So for this one, what we're going to say is, let's choose, October 21, so, So for this one, it's going to be delete justifier is because element is payment history.
And the reason is October, 20, 21, reports, and accurately and in consistently between all three bureaus.
And this is where I'm going to put my fax.
So for TransUnion, it reports us, 30 days late.
For Experian, it reports on time.
And for Equifax that reports 30 days late.
We could also do the same thing if you wanted to choose November 21, instead.
That TransUnion reports as sixty days late.
Experian reports as 30 days, late and Equifax report to us 30 days.
You see where we're going with us.
So, what we're going to do is we're going to copy this copy.
The reason we go into our dispute letter, and that was just to show you how that works.
So we're going to say for GM Financial delete this account for an accuracy.
Because as you can see you delete is the action, right?
Because is the justifier, the payment history is that element reports as is a filler.
And we're just going to paste our dispute reason and those are the facts, right.
So we're telling them delete this account for an accuracy because they'll payment history reports, as October 20 21, and we're going to just change this.
We're going to say reports as October 20 2008 reports as reports.
Let's just take out reports.
Shows on, that's better, October 21.
Get rid of this.
Sometimes you need to fix it when you're putting your dispute reason together.
That's a little bit better.
Okay, as you can see, we don't have any extra additional information in here.
It's very, very simple straight to the point.
And the reason that this is going to be our number one dispute reason, is because we have to actually create a hierarchy.
Remember, so we go and we locate all derogatory accounts all inaccuracies for each account, which we did, and we create a hierarchy.
So this is going to be number 1.
Number 2, number 3, and number 4.
We're going to choose number one to compose in or dispute letter include the number one reason for each account.
And then we already wrote why we are writing the letter.
So let's go in.
Find our next.
Dispute reason or just account that needs to be disputed.
I guess I should say.
So as we are doing this, let's just talk about something for a second.
So here is something to keep in mind.
When you are disputing accounts on your credit report.
You cannot just ask for a general investigation and I'm bringing this up because it's actually been asked to me by many people especially recently.
I don't know if it's because someone else said that, all you have to do is ask for I don't see me General investigation, but that's definitely not what you want to do with factual disputes.
You always want to write the factual dispute.
Okay, there's nothing General about a factual dispute.
Now, for this one.
We're going to go and find the reason that the account needs to be updated or removed.
That's going to be this 30-day late payment right here.
And that is it.
Okay, as you can see, it says payment status, 30 days late.
So this account is currently late.
Now, little bit of a note on Here, when you're disputing an account, that is currently late.
You actually are supposed to update this account to be paid on time before you go and just beat it.
So you would want to have three on-time payments before you dispute this late-payment here, but considering that this is all we're dealing with.
We're going to have to write this as if we did.
All right.
So all we're going to have to do is say that I don't want to do this.
I was not late.
On December 20, 21.
Please update this account to paid on time, never late.
Now, having said that a little bit of something that you should know with account and how they're supposed to be reported.
Check this out right here.
This account says closed.
But there's a monthly payment of $43.
This is inaccurate.
You cannot have a monthly payment on a closed account.
So let's go back over here.
And we're actually going to ask for please, remove this monthly payment because This account paid on time.
All right.
Now again, you only want to have one dispute reason per account.
But this technically goes together because rolling updating it, so they do need to fix this because otherwise, it's screws with your numbers.
You don't want to screw with your numbers, right?
You don't want it to have, you know, $43 additional as your debt to income or your current monthly payments or anything like that.
Alright, so let's go and check out what else we have on here.
Now, if you think that this is super basic.
In that you're not learning anything, your promise that it's not basic and you definitely want to learn how to do this, because the longer you dispute, the harder, it is to remove your - accounts.
All right, and remember there's a very specific way that you should be writing this using the general formula.
I do this for every single client on every single letter, every single month.
All right.
So I mean if you just go back and look at some of the things that I've shared with you, you're going to see that my numbers don't lie.
I get the results 2021 was 23.
1000 - items removed in 2020 was 20,000 - items removed.
All right, so I know my shit.
All right.
So for IC Systems, you are just going to use the validation of debt on this one.
The validation of debt is actually going to be, don't know, kind of simple, validation of debt is where you have.
It's a four-letter Series, so this goes directly to you.
The Collector, so you're not writing a validation of debt to the credit bureaus.
It's only to the collection agency now, none of my clients ever.
Get to the letter before.
That's where you actually sue them because we always get it off before that between disputing with the bureau's as well as the collector, seen a collector but this is only for third-party collections.
This cannot or should not be used on debt buyer collections.
So keep this in mind when you're using this method and I actually A video that if I remember, I will post it down in the description on.
Why need to be careful with the validation of debt method.
Alright, so let's go and go back over here.
I'm going to go choose a pen to write on here.
So what you want to do for this one is again because of who this is, it's for T-Mobile.
We're going to be using the validation of debt and you want to also check out date less active on here.
They lost active on here.
I want to make sure that this says a collection that it doesn't say 120 days late and you also want to check out the payment history, which there should not be any payment history, especially if there is a balance on this account.
All right, and you also have to ask yourself.
Why is there a high balance?
Why is our high balance on this account?
Now, you also need to look out for a credit limit and a past due.
So there's a couple of things that you should be looking for.
So number one, what you're going to want to do with accounts.
Like this is you're going to use the validation of debt directly to the collector, you're going to use.
Regular unverified at dispute directly to the bureau's and that's a bureau dispute.
And then if that doesn't work, you're going to go down and you're going to just beat this factually, right, date less active.
And then if you know, you have all these other things in here that I've already mentioned, then you're going to be disputing those.
So for this account, we're going to go and we're going to pull up our dispute letter.
We just fix this go into our dispute letter and we are going to dispute this one.
I see system and this is 132 something for Delete this unverified collection.
Unless you have ownership documentation proving.
Otherwise, all right, that's it.
So for way point R actually went to treat this one, the same exact way.
All right.
So you're going to use the validation of debt on this one.
I'm not going to type it out because we already went through this now, for a portfolio.
There's a couple of things that you want to take a look at and we're just going to grab our pain.
Alright, so we have It was active and there's no date last paid.
So we're going to get past that date last reported.
That's it.
This is maybe the same thing there.
Should not be any payment history.
There should be no past due because they can't was already late.
And you want to check out the things that I've already mentioned on this.
So, this is not one that you want to use the validation of debt.
What we're going to do is we're going to write to the bureau's, and we're going to sew Portfolio.
This is 650.
1725 8095 to leave this account, because The Atlanta active reports as twelve, twenty Twenty-One on Trends even noon and you know, and five.
I think it's a 2021 on experience.
All right, and that's it.
So as you can see, sometimes it's really simple.
And sometimes it's very difficult.
But I hope that you are understanding exactly how to dispute this.
All right.
So this is actually going to be the last one that we're going to do.
So this is going to be American Express need to grab a pen.
Definitely on this one.
And there's many things that we can beat with Jimmy that we can use on this starting with the, a less active.
It less paid.
And payment history.
So as you can see, the payment history is all over the place right now.
Check your monthly payments.
That's zero credit.
Don't really care about that.
Although I mean, that's at the bottom of the hierarchy.
You're not going to it's not going to remove the account.
All right.
So this yep.
Ready to dispute.
So you can either to speed this by going after the first day of delinquency.
You can just Beat It by going after this date, this date.
This These over here or the fact that this reports as activity, after the close date.
And with Equifax credit reports as paid on time, even though it still has a balance and if that were true, I would report a zero balance while Experian is reporting it as a charge off.
All right, so we need to find our number one reason for this and our number one.
Excuse me.
Our number one reason is actually going to be the payment history.
So payment history is number.
One and date likes.
Excuse me, date.
Last active is number two.
So if you recall, we are only using our number one.
So for this account Amex, I can spell correctly.
This is going to be 3, 4999.
nobody, that's account for an accuracy because the payment history.
Is inaccurate.
And inconsistent between each Bureau, you can even simplify and say delete this account because the payment history reports as and then put the information.
So we're actually going to go and use December 2020.
shows on time for Experian and 30 days late for Equifax been.
So if you want to use a different reason, your different reason could possibly be that experien reports activity after the close date.
Between June 20, 21 and December 20 21 while a fax reports paid on time.
Okay, so you have a lot to work with.
Now, your second reason for this account, what?
Actually be the date last active.
So now that we've done this, let's go close out our letter.
We're going to use this one instead.
There we go.
So, now that we have this, let's get rid of this.
Let's make this a little bit bigger.
Get rid of this and go back to our letter.
There we go.
Now that we have that, we're going to drop down about two spaces and we're going to very simply say, Thank you.
And your name as you can see.
This is very, very simple.
So now we have a checklist to remove all instances of, right.
So we need to look for pursuant to my intention litigation CC attorney and anything that makes you look like a credit repair company or that you are not an authentic consumer, requiring assistance.
So this is very, very, very, very important.
All right, and for each dispute reason, I've used the general formula and we've done everything on our checklist here, right?
So let's just go take a look one more time.
We located all our drug Atari accounts, locate all inquiries as you meet inaccuracies for each account, create a hierarchy of the inaccuracies for each account.
Created a spirit reason for the number one and accuracy.
At the top of the hierarchy compose a dispute letter include the number one reason for each account include.
The reason why you are writing the letter and then we're going to go and send out our dispute.
We've also made sure that there's no pursuant to my intention litigation CC attorney or anything else that says, hey, I'm a Repair company.
All right.
So now your letter is actually ready to go out the door.
Another thing that you want to keep in mind is that you will make this as a note.
I guess you want to make sure that you are sending out your letter with all three pieces of identification, right?
So that's going to be your ID, SSN card or something with your social on it.
Just so that you're not giving them a reason to deny your letters and proof of address.
So this Would be like a total of you bill pay stubs bank statement, something.
Okay, you always need to include this every single time that you send out your dispute.
Another thing is that I'm if you have blatant inaccuracies or you're really, really, really trying to get these off as fast as humanly possible.
You can include copies of the pages for the negative items that you're disputing right from the credit report.
Nothing Tire report, but just like a screenshot or if you printed it, whatever.
Okay, and you can even go and circle.
.0 highlight whatever you want to do.
So this was a very simple way to create a checklist to maximize your dispute letter, to remove negative items from your credit report using the credit sweep process.
And we're talking about the legal, the legal credit Suite process, and not the identity theft method, Okay, so I hope that this actually, you know, created some sort of clarification for you.
But if you have questions about this, first thing that I want you to do is comment on this video.
So I want you to go and like this video if you found it useful or valuable because it also tells Google and YouTube that hey other people might actually like this video.
Okay, and I want you to comment on this video and ask me a question about it because I am probably going to Making my comment videos again where I go and answer a ton of comments in a video because there's more people who have the same questions as you do.
Okay, so like this video comment on it and let me know what it is that you need clarification on that.
We talked about in this video or if you didn't understand something or if you use something else and you don't understand why this would be a better method and if this is something that you just don't want to do yourself, not a problem.
We can see if I can help, you would just go to my 7:40.
Dot-com choose a date, choose a time.
And I will see if I can help.
Alright, so that is it for today.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
I will share this board if I can and you'll find a link down in the description.
But other than that, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
And that is it by
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