*Initial video had a weird zoom! Today we're talking about the super simple & powerful dispute letter and reason formula, "AJERO", which resulted in over 20k deletions in 2020 and 23k in 2021. It doesn't get any easier than action, justifier, element, reason, outcome! If you would like to learn more about this, check out the video links below to learn how to do factual based credit sweeps:
We use this formula to remove collections, charge-offs, repossessions, late payments, inquiries, bankruptcies, and everything in between, go give it a shot!
✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with IdentityIQ: ✨ https://member.identityiq.com/help-you-to-save-money.aspx?offercode=431134PT
DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - https://vault.my740.com
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Let's jump on a call and see if I can help!
⭐️ Video notes:
talking about the general formula?
And if you don't know what that is?
It's a structured formula that I personally use to remove over 20,000 - items in 2020 and 23,000 - items in 2021.
Now, it really, really simple but one of my subscribers personally asked for this because they said that they didn't know how to apply it or how to break it down.
And so that's exactly what we're doing.
And I'm going to show You how to plug in any negative item to this structured formula?
Okay, so it's really, really simple.
A je R action justifier element reason outcome.
Now that probably doesn't mean anything to you.
But we take a look at this.
I have to.
Well, I started with you.
We have one dispute reason and a plug-and-play.
So let's look at our two speakers and delete this charge off for inaccuracy.
Cuz the date.
Last reported shows date date and date.
That's it.
That is literally it.
There's no pursuant to this and Congress says, that in your required to, and where's my contract and Nana, Nana?
Nana Nana?
No, all we're doing is putting the action.
Delete update, remove this charge off this account.
This bankruptcy is personal information, this inquiry, whatever it is that were disputing because is the justifier the date last reported or the element.
The missing, notice it, dispute the balance, the whatever it is, that you're disputing as part of a factual-based dispute.
So you're talking about the actual element shows, a balance, a date, whatever.
And this is where, actually, this use me.
This is a pretty where we are actually putting all of our facts, right?
So we're taking it directly from the credit report.
Now, if you don't know where to get your credit report, head down into the description and you will find my link is an affiliate link.
For identity a human.
And this is a link that will allow you to see all three bureaus next to each other.
And this is where I get all my client credit report information.
So we're looking for inaccuracies.
We're looking for violations.
And if you want to learn more about how to do that, check out any one of my five to six hundred videos on how to do factual basis Buttes.
I promise you you will find what you're looking for.
Now as far as the actual formula itself.
It's Really simple.
We can plug in anything that we want.
So if you have charge-offs, you have repossessions, you have a foreclosure that is closed.
Not starting a bankruptcy, a late payment.
You name it?
I can plug it into this and it's going to give me a factual base.
Structured dispute reason.
So remember, everything that we want to use to remove negative items is not in the text, at the top of the letter, it's down on the actual dispute reason itself, and we're using a new and relevant.
Don't dispute reason per each time.
We sent out a letter.
Okay, so take a look at this formula.
We have the action.
It is remove update or delete this account inquiry, personal information address, whatever it is that we're just beating for in accuracy, or for violation, depending on what you found because is the justifier the element day, less active data, that's reported first in delinquency, missing notice a dispute.
So on and so forth.
And this is where you're going to plug in your facts.
Okay, because we're only dealing with the facts.
So this is going to be a date or is going to be a balance.
Okay, and you want to take the actual and accuracy.
So why is it an accurate?
So if you have three different dates, that's going to be an accurate.
Yeah, the two different balances.
That's going to be inaccurate.
You have where one Bureau says, one thing and the other Tuesday, something that's going to be inaccurate and you want to plug that information, right?
into here.
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