If you want to find out if the credit bureaus did an investigation of your credit dispute letter and negative items. You can learn how to do a credit sweep (diy credit repair) at https://hub.my740.com for free or if you'd like to see if I can personally do a credit sweep for you head to https://my740.com and I'll see if I can help.
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⭐️ Video Notes
You sent in your dispute letter to the credit bureaus, but they didn't respond. So how do you know whether they even investigated? Stay with me for the next 40 seconds and you're gonna find out exactly what you can look for right on your credit report to find out if they investigated. If this was your first round, the very first thing that you can do is check the notice of dispute which is required to be there within 30 days. And it's going to be disputed by consumer or something very, very similar, but don't go anywhere because the next one is big. Now outside the notice of dispute, you can check the date last reported or the status update date. If there was an actual investigation and they verified as accurate, the date last reported or the status update date is going to change to reflect that date when they actually verified the account. Now, if you send in your dispute, you didn't hear from them and this date did not change. And guess what it means that they did not do any sort of investigation and you can catch them in a violation. Subscribe to fix your credit score.
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