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Verified as Accurate by the Credit Bureaus | How to Beat the System Wor...

🔮In case you missed the Verified as Accurate Workshop which ran live a few weeks ago, I'm posting it here for you to learn how to beat the bureaus! Not only that, but you'll also get access to all the workshop materials even though you're mad late! If you wanna check out the brand new credit repair software head to or if you'd like to check out if a credit sweep would be a good fit schedule your call at We go over what to do when the bureaus don't respond, what to do when the credit bureaus verify as accurate, and what to do to beat the credit bureaus at their own game and beat the System! SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🔮 ✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with SmartCredit or IdentityIQ: ✨ 🧙‍♀️ GET HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT JOURNEY DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - 🦸‍♀️ DFY credit sweep service free consultation 🦸‍♀️ Let's jump on a call and see if I can help! ⭐️ Video Notes:
Hey, what's up, we are live. This is the verified as accurate no response stall tactic workshop, right. And we have a ton of stuff to go through. So very first thing that I want you to do is access this link. Now we're doing it this way, because if you're not here, we don't want you to have it. So it is l like Lima y NX, a SWK, that's going to bring you over to this page, and you're gonna be able to access a bunch of different things. So first of all, I created a worksheet for you to take notes. Alright, so that's the very first thing. Alright, second thing is I have a ton of other things that we don't have the time to go over. So I packaged everything together, it goes with all this. And you can access this for $37. Alright, so we're gonna go over some of these things, we're not going to go over all of it. Because I don't have enough time to do that in I also don't want you to fall asleep. So you can access that for $37. Use this link, it'll pull it up. And it's really, really simple instant access. Alright, so you can also use this button over here. Now, if you saw the promo videos for this workshop, you can access those using this link right here verified as accurate worksheets, from the VAs workshop promo videos, that's going to take you not to this one, let's go find it. It's over here. Okay, so it's going to take you over here where we have this one and this one. Alright, so let's get rid of this. So we have what you're supposed to do, when the Bureau's verify is accurate. And it gives you step by step what you should be doing. Now, again, we're diving way deeper into how to do not, so we're not going to go over it. But you're going to find things on here, like, you know, a few reasons why it was verified, what would you have done differently, how to fight back and win. And, of course, a couple of CTAs. Now the other one is what to do when the Bureau's don't respond, right. So I gave you a couple of things like everything is in the report, if it was not by the 30th day, this is what you can do. And a couple of different strategies. All right. So we're not going to go over that because we already have, and I will send you direct links to these, the worksheet as well of those, excuse me, as well as those videos, when I see that you actually joined in, I'm going to put it into a nice little package for you. Alright, so because we have so much to go through, this is why we're doing it this way. So I created a went round one follow up dispute tactic the other night and put a video out about that. We're also going to put that one into that package, but I'm gonna leave it up because there's a couple of other things that we need to talk about. Okay, so I want for you to answer this one big question. So go and click on that link after you pulled up your notes. What's missing? So my one question for you is if you could put your finger on just one thing that would change the game for you. What would that be? What do you think is missing from your dispute process is an instruction and step by step process? What to say in a letter where to get information? You know, to put in that letter? Where does the knowledge gap I want for you to answer this and I want you to submit your big question, all you have to do is add your email address and click on Submit. Alright, so let's go to the very first thing. So verified no response stall tactics, this is going to be the attack. Now before you start filling this in, we want to go and pull something else up. I forgot to mention you can actually access the $37 by link by using this QR code because if you're watching this on your PC, you can use your phone, on whatever. So I created a QR code to pull that up. And I forgot to mention that. Alright, so let's go over this. And this is actually part of that $37 package if you want to access it, use that link. So this is the dispute flow that you need to know about. So we have flow type like reasons challenges and additional disputes run 12345 Okay, so I want I created this so that you can start thinking about different ways that you can attack the Bureau's and this goes for when they verify as accurate when they ignore you. And when they send stall tactics. The one thing that you need to know is that it doesn't matter what they say it doesn't matter what they do, right? It only matters what we do. Okay, so what that means is the only thing we care about is a deletion or the correction so they could send something that piece of paper that says women Thank you ma'am and it wouldn't matter right the only thing that matters is what we're doing so your biggest thing to take away from this is to continue disputing and to use the new and relevant information taken directly off the credit report and the way that we do this is from round one we can go after like date last active round to date last paid round three payment history round for status update round five data first delinquency you always have information that you can use directly on your credit report. Now a challenge that you can put in the first paragraph would be request for investigation, round two first paragraph method of verification round three notice of dispute which is the key to credits phase round four no investigation round five FCRA requirements meaning they did not meet it. Now your additional dispute remember you have the ability to go after the collectors and the creditors right so round one, collector validation of debt round To collect a validation of debt round two, and creditor round one, round three would be collective view D three and creditor round two, meaning not round you but letter two to creditor and then so on and so forth up to round five CFPB complaints for violations against not just the Bureau's but also against the creditors and the collectors right. Now, if you want to look at this as a flowchart, it's going to look like this. But before we get there, let's jump over to difference between dispute methods, because this is very, very, very important. You have factual disputes, validation of debt, online disputes, identity theft, 609, and resources. And I will also save the slide and I will package it with that $37, right. If you just give me a second, you know, I'll put it because we're live, obviously, I'm going to send it out directly. If I can't remember to do this. Maybe someone can send me a message. Now you can post questions. I can't get to it now, obviously, because we're live, but any question that you send using the box on the page, it's going to be sent over to me. Okay, so we have 609, and then resources. All right. So for factual disputes, it's based on the facts, it's all info taken directly from the report new and relevant info on each dispute. It does not come back as frivolous when you use the facts, and it's no law, heavy language threats. Now, again, this is the key to dealing with verified is the key to dealing with no response is the key to dealing with a stall tactics. Because all of these things were meant for you to stop disputing. And to get frustrated, we don't get frustrated, what we do is we win and it's a game of inches. Okay. So that's the one thing I want for you to understand. Like I said, it's the biggest takeaway. Now with validation of debt, it's the direct to collector, four letter dispute series worked for medical department utility and insurance, expedited dispute process. And the key on this is the notice of dispute. Now we're going to go through the rest of them very quickly, online dispute, don't ever do it, you're giving up your rights under Section 623 In section 611, identity theft, Look, dude, unless you're an actual victim of identity theft, don't do it unless you want the cops knocking at your door. Alright, so since 609, don't even bother section 609 is it's really just stating your rights to a credit report. Okay. And then of course, we have resources. So you don't really need to know about that, because obviously, you already know the resources. So let's go back over here. So round one, if you used date of last activity, you can go if the response was verified, you would go to date of last payment. If there was no response, go to date of last payment. If they respond with a stall tactic like do not understand you're going to restate and you're going to send a copy of the report around to tactic would be Joe the Plumber. Now this is probably the most important image slide presentation piece that we're going to be going over. So I want for you to understand this because there's so many different ways that you can respond to this, that's going to increase your ability to get results. So or your sponsor was verified go after the payment history, no response method of verification won't reinvestigate, that's what Experian comes back with go after data last payment. Round three tactic would be squeaky wheel, you're going in, you're hitting every single rung on that wheel, you're going after complaints violations, you're challenging them using the facts on and so forth. Alright, so response verified status update. And then, you know, date last reported no response request for independent investigation because in Cushman versus TransUnion from 1987, they basically say congressional opinion was that they can't just say that something was verified, and they do actually have to go beyond their original source of investigation, which is the data furnisher. So go check out Cushman versus TransUnion because it also shows you how to deal when they deal with it when they say contact the creditor. So around four tactic would be collector creditor did not validate or respond. And then now on the next one, if they come back and say verified, you're going after data first delinquency, no response, notice dispute, we already verified this FCRA requirements for an actual investigation, and then go to CFPB complaints. So as you can see, it doesn't matter what they say, Now, it was some sort of way it does, because it's either they're going to give you a stall tactic, or you know, they're gonna say it's verified. But this gives you a clear and concise, actionable way to attack them. This is super, super, super important in the basis for everything that you need to know and to do. Okay, so now, we're going back to this worksheet, and I want you to start filling this out, okay, now, maybe not now, while we're doing this live, but after I want you to take some time and fill in your own attack that you can do. Alright, for around 12345 and six, and then think of some things that you can send complaints about, and we have a couple places for you to put notes. And then what did you learn from filling out this worksheet? So this is one that I want you to take your time filling out. Now let's go back to the one that I put out the other night round one follow up dispute tactic. So the question that JDK in the comments of one of my videos had asked what can I do in front one was factual with inaccuracies. And that came back as verified for round two, do we see state the same thing again? And I just showed you that no, you wouldn't. So if you started with a date last active on a charge off, you're gonna go date last paid and then notice a dispute for third party collection, it would be this as unknown collector did not validate and then notice a dispute. So you always have things that you can go after, right? So what you don't want to do is have a comeback as frivolous. And now you're because you're saying saying the same thing twice, you're putting yourself in a horrible position, we have 17 things that we can use before we ever get to saying something like inaccuracy or violation or challenge monthly payment date, less active balance date, less paid past due date, less reported, so on and so forth. Right, I even have a hierarchy that I can quickly plug in, what do you call it, the website and show you but you have to remember that this is a game of inches, and you got to play that game. So let me just type this out and see if I can pull it up to my old website expert credit So we have the hierarchy, right, and it shows you what to dispute first, second, third, fourth, fifth, all the different things that you can go after violations challenges all that, but we also have the dispute reason. So if I plug in dispute data treasons you're going to see that we have just like I mentioned on that previous thing that I just showed you for around one follow up tactic, we have a ton of things that we can go after right now if you want to head to this page, it's going to be let's see you how to want to do this you're going to go to expert credit Okay, so that's going to pull that up and you'll be able to see what each element means and how you can use it. Alright, so let's go back over here and now I do have a dispute reason crater for you that you can click on it's actually let me just pass this page. So one of the things that you want to understand is that your biggest ammo is going to be rounds one through five and your backup rounds are after round four in your last resort so all of your reasons fall into one of these categories. So like rounds one through five is date last active date last paid and dispute monthly payments on charge offs, late payments and past use of collections, so on and so forth, you don't want to use balance payment history, high balance past your method of verification transferred or sold collections or limit until you absolutely have to, which is after round four. Okay, so this all goes back to understanding how to do this the right way. Now there's a couple of other things that I want to show on here. So you need to understand that you know, there's a purpose you're just to be taught to have a purpose, direction, intent, action and follow up. So again, I'm speaking quickly because number one, I don't want you to drop off and number two, I want for you to take away everything that you need to and number three, I don't want to bore you okay, there's a ton of stuff that we have to go through. So on here you need to understand and figure out what you need to dispute right so for collections it'd be like unknown medical university hospital doctor bond whatever charge offs Capital One discover, you know, whatever right and so now you want to focus on what's going to raise your credit score the highest by removing or correcting and the end result would not have to be a beautiful credit file it should be a well rounded, well rounded file with a great score. Okay, so your priority is going to be bankruptcy charge offs collections. Now I probably shouldn't have to go into that so I'm not going to but now you need to have a direction right so around one credit bureaus around one collections and then round two violation preparation and for credit bureaus, you'd be creditors and then going to collections Okay, now this is actually going to show you when you should be disputing Now remember I told you it doesn't matter what they do or don't do we're doing everything on a on a schedule right depending on what you disputed when it was disputed with whom and tactic and strategy but if you stick to this it doesn't matter if you're waiting for responses don't wait for them. So for round one, you're going to send it out you're going to wait 15 days send out collection round one and then now with our data is passed are going to send out round two so on and so forth. 30 days round 330 days round four Okay, and then you're going to regroup and go after your inaccuracies again. Okay, so you need to start with the big guns and I've already showed you this so we're going to skip past this but for like bankruptcy it would be court name filing date comparison method of verification charge off would be date last active notice that dispute date last payment, the hierarchy collection would be signature approved nothing furnish false reporting, and then late payments would be never late proof to me proof method of verification. Now, I'm not gonna go over this part. Um, let's just go over to action. So this is gonna be the same cycle for each and every dispute round. You're gonna send out your disputes and right


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