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How to Dispute Charge-offs vs Student Loans on a Credit Report

🔮 Today we're covering the difference in how to dispute charge-offs vs student loan charge-offs vs student loan collections. Find the free PDF at as well as my current offers. You can also schedule a call with me for a credit sweep at ✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with IdentityIQ: ✨ 🧙‍♀️ GET HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT JOURNEY DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - 🦸‍♀️ DFY credit sweep service free consultation 🦸‍♀️ Let's jump on a call and see if I can help! ⭐️ Video notes Hey, what's up today we're looking at the difference between charged off student loans and student loan collections. Now, there's a huge difference in this stuff that you need to know about this. So make sure that you watch to the end of this video. Now, you can access this down in the description for free. And you're gonna land on this page where you can check out all current offers so that you don't have to look in 50 different places. So free offers at the top, such as the difference between student loans and turn off the subscriber hub, current offers in the center in the vault down at the bottom, but make sure that you not only stay to the end of the video, like I mentioned, also hit that like, subscribe if you haven't done so. And if you want to see if this is something that I can do for you a credit sweep, head over to my seven schedule a call with me and I will see if I can help. Now to access this, you're very simply going to go to the link, open this up, fill it out in it's actually going to email it to you. And you'll also get the link immediately redirected. Okay, so let's go check this out. So this is part of the bullet proof dispute training. And we're going to go over a couple things. The first thing you're going to want to know is that pages one and two do not have the answer key. But pages three and four are the exact same thing except that they give you the answers. I want you to try to do this yourself first. And then if you can't, obviously you can learn from using the answer key. So let's go over this united together. Alright, so find the best way to dispute the following items by matching dispute rounds to tactics. And this is for charge offs like bank accounts, credit cards, payday loans, personal loans, business loans, mortgages, etc. The answers you're looking at are rounds one through six and it's A through F, right so at least you're not going to get confused by it. So with round one, you're going to get your Blaydon inaccuracies failing that go to date last active round to get last paid. Round three notice the dispute, round four date last reported round five accounts and balances activity after closed date accounts without balances. Firstly delinquency round six accounts with balances versus delinquency and accounts without balances payment history. Okay, so let's go back up to the top. Now to do update student loans and remove the late payments reporting beginning at 90 days late without any 30 or 60 Day lates you should do the following and this is true or false. Use a dispute reason of tax the fact that two prior on time payments are inaccurate and that your account should be reported correctly. Because of this. The 90 day late payment needs to be corrected to paid as agreed this is actually going to be true. Number three. To remove a student loan charge off we should look at the following number one late payment history if the late payment history begins at 90 days late start here into follow tactics for charges. This is also true for to remove a student loan collection like US Department of Education, we should send a validation of debt dispute. This is false This is most definitely false to remove a student loan collection like US Department education dispute in this following order. Now, these steps are the exact steps that you should be taking step number one, check the payment history. You want to look for major inconsistencies between all three bureaus and examples would be if Equifax reports on time payments while Experian ports collection or charge off or multiple late payments report differently across all three bureaus because up to find the biggest inconsistency between the DLs active and the date last paid choose one of those disputes so if you have very similar dates on date, less active look at date last paid if you have you know the opposite way where they lost active and all over the place and go with date last active Okay, step three notices view is virtually always missed with these accounts, make sure to document this violation and then go after it pursuant to section 623.


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