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Delete EVERYTHING on a Credit Report in Just 60 Days | Turbo Credit Swee...

🔮For real though, if you want a REAL credit sweep head to Today we're talking about how much it would really cost you if you could fix your credit in just 60 days and remove charge offs from a credit report in that time, or access a $500k loan for just a few hundred dollars. We are also going over the a brief filed by the FTC and CFPB which can be found at This also sheds light on fake investigations by the creditors, how data furnishers think they don't have to perform their duties under the FCRA and how they only want to investigate what they consider a bona fide dispute, as well as the fact that the bureaus can determinethat a credit dispute is frivolous before sending it over to the data furnisher. There's no way to get all your accounts removed in just 60 days but there IS way to legitimately remove your negative accounts with a credit sweep. If you want to learn how to remove a charge off from credit report or how to remove closed accounts from credit report, it is as simple as checking out the other 800 videos on my channel. You may now check out my video call options including a credit report review and "Ask Me How" services at SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🔮 ✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with SmartCredit or IdentityIQ: ✨ 🧙‍♀️ GET HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT JOURNEY DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - 🦸‍♀️ DFY credit sweep service free consultation 🦸‍♀️ Let's jump on a call and see if I can help! ⭐️ Video Notes:
Welcome to the 60-DAY overnight turbo dispute program where we're going to remove or negative items help you rebuild your credit file, get that credit score what needs to be, and it's only going to be in 60 days guarantee. What? Can we do that one again? Dude, that does not exist? If it did, I would be that first person to throw my hands up and say, You know what? Screw the factual disputes, screw the manual process, I have the answer that everybody's looking for 68 million people. And guess what, I would go bang on every single door of every single realtor of every single loan officer of every single dealership in the frickin world. And I would be a bazillionaire. Why? Because there's 68 million people who need that solution. Right? Go back to the pandemic, what happened? 6 million people record high ever ever in history ever recorded? Stop paying their mortgages, right? And then let's not even talk about the 14 million people who didn't pay for their credit cards, right? So these are the things that people don't want to hear. Because the only place that this 60 days and 30 days and 14 days and seven days and all that kind of stuff lives up is right here on YouTube. The only person that this affects is you. Right? So ask yourself this question. How much do you think? How much do you personally think as a consumer? How much do you think that you would be paying? If that were really true? If you really had someone who can make that happen? Do you think it would be 40 bucks? Do you think it would be $60? Do you think that it would be I don't know, 139? Or do you think that it would cost so much money that you would have to pay for it on the back end of whatever loan that you got? Because it would be like what $25,000? Don't you think that people will be cashing in on that? Don't you think they would be weaponized? And yes, we're totally going to talk about something else. But right now, this is what we're talking about. And I'm actually going to share an article, write an article about a brief that came out about something that you really need to know about, I'm going to share my screen and we're gonna go over that. But let's just talk about this for a second. Right? Rounds, the word rounds. Now if you don't know what I'm talking about, when you send out a letter to the credit bureau, we call it a round, right? And if you know anything about boxing, or MMA, those are also rounds, right. So this is the way that I like to think about it, where you're going in, and you're locked in either the octagon or you're in the ring, and we have to go rounds, rounds rounds, we win a when we go and then when we win, and there's a winner at the end. And obviously there's a loser, right. So we have to go in to this process, thinking of it as rounds. Okay. And that is like the perfect way to think about this. Now, yes, I get a little bit over and excited and all that. But nobody else is talking about this. And you, you my friend are the only one who is either going to benefit from this was gonna get hurt by this. Because again, I don't get a kickback. When you get your loan, I don't get a kickback. When you get your house, I don't even get invited over because most of the time you live on the other side of the country. Right? I barely get a like, after I go on I change your life. And yes, that's exactly what it is. So think about it this way. For you to be able to go and change your life, are you going to pay $78 139 40 $199 for 30 days, or 278 for 60 days. And in those 60 days, you're going to go and build your credit, remove your negatives, go and get your house or your loan and all of that, and you're only going to have pages a little bit, don't you think? Just don't you think that this would be a different process? Don't you think that these creditors the lenders, they would weaponize it? Not only would they weaponize it, but thinking as a wonder they would more than likely stop this entire process, right? Because all you have to do is go in obtain some sort of loan somewhere, right? And then you don't have to pay for it. And then all you have to do is submit one or two rounds of disputes. And when I'm thinking I'm overnight, it's off with this 60 Day overnight turbo dispute program, right. If you were a lender, why didn't you stop lending because you wouldn't be able to trust the credit reporting process. You need to know that when you go and you pull someone's credit report that the information on their financial rap sheet is legitimate, that it's accurate, that it's correct that you can trust this right? And if you can't, then what business do you have staying in this business? I mean, these you know, it's like a conglomerate of people that come together with all this money, so much money that their children's children's children's children's children are going to be able to have money, right? So they have just globs of money and they come together and they're like, hey, you know what, we're gonna start this or we're gonna start that we're gonna open this bakery. Do this, right. So they already have sat down and thought about the entire process and the risk and all that that's associated with it. So they already know that you're going to be able to, you know, remove some stuff from your credit report. But they also know that it's only a handful of consumers out of like, 1000, right, just using a smaller number for understanding purposes, that it's like, the out of the 1000 people, it's only a handful of them, that are legitimately going to stick it out with the process, because it is a process and go through with it and remove the negative items, right? And now talking about lenders, and now, they even think that they don't have to do anything. And I'm going to prove it to you right, now. I'm going to share my screen. And I'm going to show you exactly what I'm talking about with this. And I'm going to show you exactly what I'm talking about with us right now. First thing that I want for you to do is to smash that like, right, why don't we want you to smash that like, well, it tells Google it tells you to bid tells other people that you like the information that I'm giving you that you find it valuable and that you want to come back. And so it's actually there, you know, they're going to share this with other people such as yourself, such as me, who could really really use it right? That is why I want you to smash that like Now you're also going to want to subscribe if you haven't done so because, well, I come out with stuff that is going to help you credit wise finance wise. Okay, so I'm going to share my screen. But before I do them, you can go and schedule a call with me to see if I can help you legitimately in a realistic period of time remove your negative items or collections or foreclosures, repossessions, blah, blah, blah. Okay, so let's go share my screen. I'm gonna show you exactly the moment that a what I'm talking about. So we're gonna go over here where the FTC, the CFPB, submit a brief and defending the consumers ability to dispute inaccurate items on credit reports. Okay, so this brief calls for reversing lower court's ruling in England versus experience that allows furnishers to ignore their duty to investigate disputes. So if you think that they are here to help you to legitimately remove the stuff from your credit report, because they want to then you are 100% totally off your rocker. Okay, their job Experian and Equifax and TransUnion. And these collectors and these lenders and data furnishers, whatever, they're all in bed together and their job is to keep the stuff on your credit report because it's going to make them money. Now, let's go over this together, the Federal Trade Commission joined the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in filing a brief with the US Court of Appeals for the Third District in the case of Ingram versus experienced, the brief asked the Appeals Court to overturn a lower court's decision that could create an exception to the FCRA, allowing furnishers of credit information to decline to investigate when consumers dispute inaccurate information in certain circumstances. Now, another word that we want to look at here is appeals court we talked about this other day, what am I talking about? Well, with the appeals court, they're the ones that are kind of at the end of the line, kind of like going to the CFPB you don't go to the CFPB on round one. You don't go to the CFPB on round two, no, they are at the end of the road. So for those companies and these people in these videos and whatever that are telling you to jump to the CFPB prior to exhausting your remedies, dude, that is clickbait they are literally only trying to tell you this so that you can go and buy something from them. Oh my god, this process works. My turbo dispute process six cities are running oh my god, no, dude, you should not be doing that. And you are the only one that is going to be hurt by this because when you finally do have the ability to go to them, because now you do have a paper trail here gonna be ignored. You see this button right here? Again, it says Delete. That's gonna what that's gonna be what happens when you finally go to them. Okay. So the brief argues again, that this holding could undercut a key protection provided by the FCRA that allows consumers to dispute and correct inaccurate information in their credit reports. The law gives consumers a right to dispute inaccurate information and have their claim investigated. Right. So the FTC CFPB brief rejects the argument, there are circumstances when furnishers do not have to follow the law. Now. Why do we have these laws? Well, these laws are. And they're not really meant to protect those. They're, they're meant to keep them in place. But again, these are just guidelines. As you can see, we already have the FCRA in place radio, the fcba in place, we already have the FTC in place, or FTC, F dcpa in place, right. So what does that mean? That means that they did stuff they weren't supposed to see they made rules and regulations and laws about it right that they're supposed to follow? Obviously they don't because things like this happen. Lawsuits happen. Right? And then they have to go and submit these briefs. and declined to do this and get lower courts to do that and bigger courts who do this and go to the Appellate Division and all of that, why? Because they're in the business of making money off of your information and they don't feel that they have to do their job. Just look at Cushman versus TransUnion, from 1997. Okay, so these are the things that you need to be thinking about and understand that this is a process and this process was not meant for us, but we have a due process to be able to dispute inaccurate information on our credit report and the FTC and CFPB uphold this decision. And you're right. Okay. So the FCRA provides consumers with two avenues for disputing the inaccuracy of their credit report right, either directly with the furniture or with the credit bureaus, okay. Consumers can file a direct dispute that would be a section 623 dispute or indirectly with the Bureau's which may refer to they then go and send it over to the, the data furnisher. Right, and you're also going to learn something here as well. Maybe some of you already know this, but I'm betting that most of you don't. So the FTC, and the CFPB brief relates to a case involving a request made by a consumer to a furniture Comcast to remove an account from his credit report that was listed as delinquent. The consumer reported to Comcast that he was a victim of identity theft and did not open the account. Now, here's the deal. Comcast rejected this claim after he said that the consumer failed to submit proof of his identity theft, and later referred to the matter to a debt collector. Right. The consumer later made what is considered an indirect dispute by disputing the delinquent account with the credit reporting agency experience, which then submitted the dispute to the debt collector, as the furniture of the informed, inaccurate information right now, in response to litigation from the consumer at the lower court ruled in favor of the debt collector. Right. Let's read that again. The lower court ruled in favor of the debt collector saying that the furniture is only obligated to invest, excuse me investigate bonafide indirect disputes, and may therefore decline to investigate any dispute is deemed frivolous. Now, I don't know about you, but if I were a data furniture or a lender or someone that reports to the credit bureaus, I would say that nothing is bonafide and that everything should be deemed frivolous because that would take away my duty in having to investigate right? Well, the FTC and the FCPA excuse me the EFF CFPB however, say that the lower court erred, arguing in the brief that furnishers are required to investigate right freshers are required to investigate the brief argues that there was nothing in the text of the FCRA that suggests that a furniture can choose not to investigate indirect disputes if it deems them not to be a bonafide meaning that regardless of whether they believe you or not, they have to investigate. And the statutory text is an ambiguous meaning that it is 100% Clear furnishers must investigate all indirect disputes. According to the brief right now, consumers would be left in the dark so under the FCRA consumers are entitled to be notified about the outcome of their disputes and must be given an opportunity to address any problems with their dispute claims. Right. So the district court's ruling would circumvent those circumstances give me requirements leaving consumers in the dark and undercutting eight central remedy under the FCRA then insurance consumers are able to dispute and correct inaccurate information on their credit report right. And the exception is unnecessary. So here's the deal. The exception created by the lower court's decision is unnecessary because furnishers are already protected in other ways from having to investigate a frivolous dispute. For example, the FCRA requires credit reporting agencies to determine if a dispute is frivolous before forwarding a dispute to the furnisher. Now, I bet you you didn't know that and if you did, hey, thumbs up to you man. Definitely thumbs up to you because you've been doing your studying right now. So what does this mean for you? This is actually really really simple what this means for you is that dude, this is a process but you can go through this process and dispute inaccurate information on your credit report get it removed and you know if it can, obviously and if it's truly inaccurate, and they do actually have to investigate this you know, if it's direct or indirect Okay, so why did we start this this way? Well, we started this this way because it's a it's a it's a process right and people don't want to get around this thing of oh, it's not overnight. It's not fast. It's not this it's not that when the truth of it is what do you think this industry what do you think the economy What did you What do you think this entire everything would be like if we're over Now, if all you had to do was send one letter, one round, two rounds, and wham, bam, Thank you, ma'am, all your dreams come true you know, as well as anybody else, that if it were like that, that would be the entire collapse of everything right? The entire economy would go down the drain. And, you know, I don't mean to laugh, I'm not, you know, judging you, I'm not trying to make you know, you feel like I'm belittling you I am, however, going to be the one that is going to be apart from everybody else, just as I've always been for the eight years that I've been here telling you, it is not easy. Yes, it is difficult. But when it is done the right way, when you invest in yourself that you can remove these whoever said they're taking the time to put into your credit to actually move on and you know, get your scores where they need to be. So you can get the houses that you want, the cars that you want, and the bit of credit that you want and the lifestyle that you want. But anything was wrong with that. And no, I'm not talking about 12 months, I'm not talking about 100 years. I am saying, you know, six to nine months, depending on what you have. Is it easier now? No, it's more difficult. Prior to the pandemic men, six months, you're out the door, right? But now, it's not like that. And with things getting more and more difficult. You have more and more people over here saying, Oh, it's so simple. It's so simple. Look at this, oh, my eight hundreds do what I can get you and there's nothing wrong with this. But I'm not like I'm not making videos in my mom's basement. Okay. This is my house. And this is my office. Actually, this is my bar right here in my office where I meet my clients one on one. So yeah, not mom's basement, okay. But I can also bet you that these people that are doing it hundreds of omega, those were taking from Google. Alright, that's number one. And number two, they don't even have 800 score. They don't even have merchant accounts, they don't even have they probably don't even pay their taxes. Okay. Like, I have a real credit repair merchant account, which means I obviously deliver everything that I say that I that I do. And I've been doing this for eight years, and I've been awarded better debt relief services every single year since 2015. So that should tell you something. And I actually have credentials, I actually went to school, I actually did this, I have a dude, I don't even want to go into everything that I do that nobody else does. Okay. But if you want to remove negative items from your credit report, there is a very specific way that you can do it. And it's not with templates. It's not we're trying to force them pursuant to section 609. And bla bla bla, no, dude, that's not the way it's not identity theft. And it's not calling in your disputes. And it's not doing any of that stuff. It is factual based disputes. That is the way that you can use their own reporting against them with some USC codes, to get these things permanently removed. All right. Now, obviously, the link is on your screen, if you want to see if I can do it for you. But again, wake up, it is not getting easier, it is getting more difficult. And the only people who want you to believe that this is simple are the same people who want to get into your wallet. And that is not me, which is why we set up the call, because I choose you for the program. And obviously it's up to you to stay in the program because I don't lock you in. Right. But is this the end of the road for you? No. Is there a way to remove these things from your credit report? Yes. Is it going to be simple? No. Is it guaranteed? No, nobody can force the Bureau's cutters. The collectors do anything? And if they did, well, shit $25,000 handed over? Oh, you don't have 25,000? And you can't afford that? Well, look, if I had that magic wand, like I said before, if I had that magic one, to be able to think that it gives you exactly what you want, honey, you would not be able to afford it. So and no, I'm not saying anything about financially, but dude, it would cost 25 $30,000 to be able to do that. Like you're gonna go and get a loan and have to pay me you know, all of it basically, right? Just because I got you there. There's no magic one. This is just, this is just a pen from my wacom tablet. See, awakened tethered. So I can like draw pretty things while I'm doing videos. Other than that, that stuff only exists right here on YouTube. And I'm the one that's been here for eight years showing you the real way to do it the real way to get deletion, the real way to remove 400 collections from your credit report and remove, you know, bankruptcy on all three bureaus and a ton of different charges because that's what I do. I take people from 398 credit scores up to 750. Okay, but it takes time. It takes time to remove all those collections and charge offs and repos and collections, late payments, all that kind of stuff. It takes time to get you from the 300 to the seven one drills, But honey, it will work as long as you work it and as long as you allow it to work, okay, because the Bureau's are going to frustrate you, they're going to make it so that you want to stop. And the only person who's going to make you stop is you when you don't hear from them. Right? When you get frustrated, because, oh, they're not responding. And then I do what I don't need them to respond, everything that I need is right on your credit report. Other than that, I could care less what they do. I can see whether they verified something, whether they investigated whether they responded, whether they lied and said that they verified but they didn't actually do an investigation, right? I see everything that I need from there. So I don't even need them to respond. I don't want them to respond. And I would rather you be pissed off that I'm doing everything I could possibly do. And they're just not responding then telling you Oh, we're not gonna dispute because we're waiting for them to respond to the first round of disputes no notice. So if you get with a company that is waiting for you are waiting for the Bureau's are waiting for anything to be able to do anything, then you need to cut ties and move on with your life and do it the right way. They should be disputing all your negative items, they should be doing all three bureaus, they should be using custom factual disputes or metro two or you know, USC codes or, you know, a mixture of that, right. All factual though, right? And you should be seeing what they're sending out. All right. So if not, then you got a problem and you need to fix it because you're not going to get those results because you are just putting money in their pocket. Alright, so that is it for tonight. There is no 60 Day overnight travel dispute program. And if there were I would be the first person to offer it to you, but it would be expensive. So I'm going to see you later. I will see you tomorrow. Have a great one and that is it. Transcribed by


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