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Showing posts from 2017

Brilliant Techniques to Expedite Your Credit Repair Process

Maximizing deletions: Let's take a look at the difference and results between disputing your derogatory accounts with the credit bureaus vs disputing with all available parties (credit bureaus, creditors, collections) and the time frames. We also have a difference between how these items are disputed: templates & using laws vs "free-hand". The wrong way: What's sad is that most credit repair companies use the old credit repair 101 techinique: disputing with the credit bureaus using templates. Most of the time, it's by using credit repair software, where they've stored templates and just insert your info with generic "reasons": i.e. account not mine, never late, etc. Guess what this says about you? "I'm working with a credit repair company" and your dispute letters will go into "pile 2" (the one they just ignore). Even if YOU are the one that's writing them, if it looks like you're just being irresponsible and...

Credit Sweep Holiday Special Extended!

I'm extending the holiday special until NEW YEAR'S DAY! I've had a ton of calls where pay day isn't until the week after Christmas, so I've decided to add some time to the credit sweep special for you guys. If you're searching for a way to beat the creditors at their own game and fix your credit the right way (the 1st time!), then make sure to book your free consultation with me! Do you have late payments? Bankruptcy? Tax liens & Judgements? Collections or charge-offs? Inquiries? Book your consultation. This is NOT the regular credit repair 101 that you normally find. This isn't the identity theft credit sweep that so many companies are doing, and doing without their clients even knowing. What it IS, is the fastest way to get permanent deletions in the least amount of time at a nominal cost, LEGALLY! This is a really busy time for the credit bureaus and there might be some "mistakes" with processing your account disputes or with making ...

Super-easy Credit Sweep Course Created Just for You!

I've created a Credit Education Program for you guys which walks you through disputing simply and effectively to get the best results possible! Whether you're working on your own credit file or own a credit repair business, this course is for you. This would be for you if: you're fixing your own credit you own a credit repair company are starting your own credit sweep service are a broker for another company you need extra tools and advice but already know a little bit you need help on closing sales you know how to delete negative items but need help on the process and more! I'm also going over my 2 other programs: consulting and coaching as well as where you'd fall if you need a full program to learn to do credit repair or just need some direction. Take advantage of the super-easy credit sweep course I created just for you! Schedule your consultation today at  and you & I will customize it to suit your specific ...

7 Staggering Statistics Good Credit Combats

What would happen if you lost your job tomorrow? What would happen if you lost your job tomorrow?  How long could you survive? 1 week 1 month 2 months How would you pay for: mortgage bills clothes food Did you know: 49% of Americans live check to check 40% don't have $400 saved up between the entire household Nearly 10% making $100k+ say they can't make ends meet Most workers state they're in debt and think they'll always be 71% of all US workers said they're in debt 56% save $100 or less per month 61% can't cover 6 months worth of expenses in an emergency *source What would make this situation easier?  Good credit = good job = lower APR's = more savings Good credit = good job = more savings = money in an emergency Good credit = less stress = stability = financial wellness What changes can be made?  Utilization/limits/balances:  lower utilization = higher scores higher limits = lower balances = lower ut...

How to delete negative items from ANY credit report

This video goes over how to take a credit report and decide which items to dispute, how to dispute them, who to dispute them with and when to do it. Your goal shouldn't be getting max deletionis in the least amount of time. Your goal should be getting a career instead of a job, savings thousands on your mortage per year, getting a new vehicle at an outstanding rate; things like that. Yes, you do need to get the fastest removals possible but you need to know where you're going  after that. Think about where you could be, what you could do, what you could do for your family if your credit was better - doesn't even have to be "great" - just better. Would you be able to take vacations? Have your kids ever been to Disneyland/Disneyworld? You CAN get there. If you need my help, please feel free to schedule your consultation online at .

How to Get Max Results with Any Credit File

New webcast coming! How to Get Max Deletions on Any Credit File - Saturday November 25, 7PM EST. Video will be posted on G+, Blogger, and Facebook at that time. Learn how to get maximum deletions on any credit report using expert techniques. Best part about it? It's FREE! I'll walk you through a real credit report and show you: what to dispute, how to dispute, who to dispute it with and when to dispute it. You'll also see the real letters that were sent on this file and the resulting credit report reflecting the deletions. Whether you're working on your own credit report or on client files, virtually everyone will be able to make significant changes to your process after this webcast! If you don't have it already, the credit repair cheat sheet will be available with the video.

Get those results! Free credit repair cheat sheet

Want a free credit repair cheat sheet? You'll find the link below as well as how to schedule your free consultation with me or an appointment for project-based consulting. After receiving so many phone calls this week from consumers who are disputing incorrectly, I decided that I needed to share some very important info! The cheat sheet shows you what dispute method you should be using per each situation. I've also included the notes to the webcast for 2 reasons: #1 I talk  fast and sometimes forget to go over what I'd orignally intended to and #2 it's important you have the in-depth info to obtain max deletions in the least amount of time! Most importantly, I want you to be informed. I want for you to get those results you so desperately desire! For you to have the confidence to send out a letter KNOWING your next credit report will have few items remaining. Whether you're a newbie to the credit repair industry, wondering the difference between credit repair and ...

6 Things you're doing wrong with your credit repair

Let's get real. Right here, right now.  Your credit sucks and you're at the point where you'd like to throw up your hands in defeat and just let 7+ years pass. Right?  I get it: You've tried "credit repair companies". You've tried the whole do-it-yourself credit restoration. You may've even tried doing identity theft just because you heard it's fast. And then got denied.  We (yes, we: you, me and everyone else) all hear about the right way to do this. We all hear about the "right credit repair company" to go to, just because they've littered the internet. We hear about how it's so easy to delete negative items in as little as 7 days - permanently. (Yeah, right).  Let's talk about the wrong way to do this. Let's talk about what's NOT working so you know what you shouldn't be doing to get those "permanent" deletions.  #1 Stop disputing online. No, I don't want to hear about how ...

Why credit repair takes so much longer than a credit sweep

"Why does credit repair take so long? Is a credit sweep faster?" Yes! Regular credit repair (what I call "credit repair 101") can take 3 years! Who has 3 years to fix their credit file? Geez, in 3 years I could have 2 more kids and get another college degree! More aggressive credit repair companies can get it done in a much faster manner, but it's still nothing compared to what a credit sweep does for you. Wouldn't you rather maximum deletions in the least amount of time, while also saving $1000s and sometimes even $100,000s? Here's the deal: A credit sweep is NOT the "identity theft" method. That means no police report or FTC report (affidavit). No charges for filing a false report or the inevitable credit bureau denials. What it IS: The fastest method to get the negative items off of your credit report permanently.  This includes disputing with all parties: bureaus, creditors and collection agencies. It may also include making c...

Stop using Validation of Debt (VOD) letters on credit cards!

I'm going to put out another video this week on the validation of debt (VOD) letters because I've getting a ton of calls this week where people are using them in such an incorrect manner that they're screwing up their files before I ever touch them! Although I'm going to be doing the video, I want to put a quick message out there: Do NOT use this type of dispute letter with credit card collection agencies and original creditors! Disputing direclty with the original creditor  is a 623 dispute letter, NOT a VOD. Here's an exception: There's a collection account (such as Portolio Recovery, Second Round, Cavalry, Midland, etc.) that is truly unknown to you because you never had a credit card before - you can use the VOD on this with the collection agency. If you send a VOD letter with FDCPA statutes in it, you'll receive a reply that says they are not liable under the FDCPA. You'll have wasted 2+ weeks. On the other hand, if you send a VOD letter W...

4 Fast Ways to Delete Inquiries Permanently

Inquiries, inquiries, inquiries. I get so many calls about inquiries! How do you delete inquiries? How can you get them off fast? How can they be deleted permanently?...... Well guys, the answer to that is probably not what you want to hear, but I'm going to tell you anyways: Inquiries are actually much more difficult to remove now than they were 2 years ago. Having said that, there's still a few ways to remove them: #1: if you did not authorize the pulls or your ID was stolen, you may claim ID theft. Do NOT do it if it's not true - do you really want to get in trouble for filing a false police report? #2: I've heard that a company called inquirybusters can get them off in less than 6 weeks but a few of my clients stated they were told they need a police report (I am not getting paid to mention their site and they are run by deletionexpert I believe) #3: Use the rapid inquiry removal on my website for Equifax a...

Miracle Credit Repair Advice for Only $85!

Trusting a credit repair company to do everything you would do is hard to sometimes. Perhaps you just need advice and not a complete take-over. We get that. Maybe you just need some advice on a project that you have. Maybe you need a little "know-how" on methodology. We got you covered. Schedule your project-based consulting session now! We'll provide the expert advice you need to get achieve miracles either on your own credit file, a client's or your credit repair company! Book today and save $40! 1-hour consulting session for $85. (Multiple bookings available for larger projects). No more need to pull your hair out or raise your fists to the ceiling. Get the fast credit sweep you're looking for while retaining control of the entire situation! Schedule your video & screenshare project-based consulting session by heading to

How to protect yourself from being scammed by a credit repair company

Long title but straight and to the point: this video is about how to protect yourself from being scammed by a credit repair company and how to choose the best one. I can't stress these points enough! From payment security all the way down to the process, there are certain questions and criteria that you need to be thinking of and asking during your consultation or phone call. I've provided the red flags you should be looking for. You can find the checklist I've made here:  ht tps://… To get your free credit repair consultation with a company that fits ALL criteria on the checklist, simply click on this link to choose a time that fits for you! If you're finding yourself wondering about other elements that are not on this form and want to seek some advice, please don't hesistate to give us a call. You can find more info online at Thanks for watching the video ...

Save up to $500! 3 Day Sale!

3 Day Sale! Save up to $500! Stop wasting money on credit repair that doesn't work and invest a few dollars in your future with a credit sweep! Sign Up HERE

Fast credit repair - this client completed in only 4 months!

We just received another review submission and this client completed their credit repair program in only 4 months! If you're looking for permanent and fast results with a company that treats you as a client instead of a number, then we'd love to hear from you! Schedule your free consultation at

How to delete inquiries with soft pulls + FREE PDFs!

You'll find the FREE PDF downloads on my website by clicking on the link below. Nope, I don't want your info in exchange for the PDFs - I just want you to know how to use this method. Simple, right? 2 options: Rapid Removal in 72 hours and Bumpage (using soft inquiries to remove the hard ones). If you're looking for a fast method to delete your inquiries for free, then this might work for you! I'm here to answer any questions you have and you may also schedule a free consultation with me using the link below. Free consultation: Inquiry PDFs: This was an impromptu video so please forgive my 2 pauses while I searched for the info I needed!

$357k Deleted in 30 Days

1st round results - all of these charge-offs & collections were removed! Using a new technique, we can now get a ton of charge-offs removed within 30-60 days instead of 6 months - exciting, right? The total debt removed from this client's report was $357k....Yes, that's right: $357k! Do you have similiar creditors? Call today to find out what your life can look like in less than 90 days! 845-481-0780

Is a credit sweep the same thing as claiming identity theft?

Is a credit sweep the same thing as claiming identity theft? No, it's not. Most consumers have the wrong idea about what a credit sweep is and believe the 2 are the same but I'm here to clear this up for you! Identity theft: This is where you claim that all (or a few) items are resulting from identity theft and you attempt to get them blocked using section 605B of the FCRA within 4 business days. You must use an official police report and affidavit. Here's the DL on this: it doesn't work. Why? Because millions of consumers used this illegally even thought the debts actually belonged to them and now, even if you ARE a victim, it's almost impossible to get it done in 4 business days. A few months? Sure, if you have all the required documentation, dispute with the creditors as well and have supporting documentation. IF this method is used (either by the consumer or a credit repair company - with or without the consumer's knowledge), the items w...

3 Resons why you should wait to apply for new credit

Applying for new credit before all derogatory items are deleted: My advice to my clients is always the same: wait until you're done with your credit repair or credit sweep program, but have a strategy to move forward from there. Here's a few reasons why: #1 you may be denied if you still have 1-2 items remaning and will end up with new inquiries that will drop your score #2 it may hinder the process of removing the last few items and can add 1-3 months to the timeframe #3 you may be approved with a very low limit and would have to wait 3-5 months prior to requesting an increase. In comparison, you can wait til everything has been completed and obtain a higher limit right off the bat. Here's a real-life example: I have a client would only has 4/86 negative items remaining and he wanted to move forward with his mortgage. I advised him to wait because (see #1) it would add inquiries and he may not be approved. He'd mentioned tha...

5 Needless things you spend at least $6.25 on every day

What do you spend on needless stuff every day like coffee, soda, energy drinks, tobacco, alcohol and all've those things you stick in your cart at the store you don't need? I'm sure it amounts to more than $6.25 right? Well, if you're reading this, it's because you have credit issues and I have good news for you: I can help virtually all clients and you can afford these credit repair services because it's only $6.25 per day. Wouldn't you like to rest easy at night? How about answering your phone without dreading that it's a collection agency or a creditor threatening you? If you're looking for a credit repair company that gets the job done with extremely easy pricing, then look no further. In less than 60 seconds, you can be on your way to controlling your financial life instead of being a creature of circumstance. Just imagine your credit as an asset instead of a dirty little secret! Do this: -----> SIGN UP ...