I've created a Credit Education Program for you guys which walks you through disputing simply and effectively to get the best results possible! Whether you're working on your own credit file or own a credit repair business, this course is for you.
This would be for you if:
you're fixing your own credit
you own a credit repair company
are starting your own credit sweep service
are a broker for another company
you need extra tools and advice but already know a little bit
you need help on closing sales
you know how to delete negative items but need help on the process
and more!
you're fixing your own credit
you own a credit repair company
are starting your own credit sweep service
are a broker for another company
you need extra tools and advice but already know a little bit
you need help on closing sales
you know how to delete negative items but need help on the process
and more!
I'm also going over my 2 other programs: consulting and coaching as well as where you'd fall if you need a full program to learn to do credit repair or just need some direction.
Take advantage of the super-easy credit sweep course I created just for you! Schedule your consultation today at https://www.expertcreditsweeps.com/book-online and you & I will customize it to suit your specific needs! You may also schedule a Project-based Consulting session if you'd like the course plus a customized solution for your business.
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