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How to Write a PERFECT Dispute Letter to Remove Negative Accounts from Y...

🔮 (edited for archiving). Today we're going over the bulletproof dispute letter training that will show you how to write a dispute letter to remove negative accounts from your credit report using the AJERO Formula (TM). If you would like to gain access to the training head to or if you would like to see if I can do a credit sweep for you head to The AJERO Formula (TM) will give you the exact information that you need to learn the exact placement of the words when you are writing dispute letters to the credit bureaus and it couldn't be any EASIER than this because I'm giving you the solution, the pain-by-numbers system that has generated 1000s of deletions for me over the past few years. It is more important now than ever that you learn the credit sweep method using factual disputes because it is just getting harder to remove accounts from your credit report, especially when the bureaus don't even respond and verify virtually all disputes as accurate! SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🔮 ✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with SmartCredit or IdentityIQ: ✨ 🧙‍♀️ GET HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT JOURNEY DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - 🦸‍♀️ DFY credit sweep service free consultation 🦸‍♀️ Let's jump on a call and see if I can help! ⭐️ Video Notes:

What's up tonight we are going over the bullet proof dispute letter training and I have some awesome stuff for you. So if you still have negative items, I don't care what they are, if they're collections, foreclosures, repossessions, bankruptcies, judgments, late payments, inquiries. If they're on your credit report, I'm going to help you remove them right now, share my screen. And we're going to go over this because I'm going to show you how to write the perfect dispute letter. But first, we need to test your knowledge. And when I say test your knowledge, you're actually going to learn about factual disputing through Quizzing. Okay, if you have taken any of my dispute IQ quizzes, then you will know exactly what I'm talking about, because it literally teaches you how to dispute. So let me just go and share my screen already. Alright. So I'm going to add this to the stream. We're going to go over here. And let me just say, if you want to access this, let me go through the link up for you real quick. If you want to access this, you can actually go over here to links forward slash bulletproof dash training, Link, forward slash bulletproof dash training, a link is down in the description. So if you want to pull this up, you get immediate access to it. But otherwise, we can do this right here together. So I'm going to go back to sharing my screen, I'm going to take this link off of here, I'm going to put this one back up. Because if you want to see if I can do a credit suite for you, you can just head over to my seven schedule a call with me. And I'll see if I can help but this has 40 pages to it. Okay. And we're not going to go over 40 pages because 36 of those pages are actually this, how to write the perfect dispute letter book. Alright. Okay, so here's some bullet proof dealer training. And if you do not know the answer to these then better learn right now. Okay, so what is the maximum number of accounts per dispute letter? It's actually 10. Okay, you should not have any more than 10. So if you have, let's just say, I don't know, 30 disputes that you need to go out to one Bureau, you need to have three different letters per that one bureau. Okay, so it sounds like a lot. But the ability to send out these extra letters at different times of the weeks to the same Bureau is going to increase your ability to get results. Okay. Let's go to number two, what is the correct order from easiest to remove to most difficult and because I don't have the key up here with me, we're just going to do this together. So from easiest to remove too difficult would be medical collections, and then judgments and tax liens, utility bills and other third party collections. inquiries, then late payments over two years old then late payments. Excuse me, yeah, less than late payments less than two years old. Then debt buyer collections then charge offs, then foreclosures and repossessions, then student loans and then bankruptcy bankruptcy is going to be your most difficult to remove. And I don't care if it was dismissed, I don't care if it was discharged. It is your most difficult to remove. Okay. Number three, you should never dispute online because you give up your rights under Section 623 and section 611. These rights are important because they include your ability to sue for a violation receive results of an investigation and the right to fight reinserted derogatory information and failure to investigate. You also make it easier for the Bureau's to automate the investigation because you submit a dispute directly to their system. Is this true? Or is this false? The answer to this is true. You should never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever dispute online. Okay, number four, which of these should be included in a dispute letter to the Bureau's personal information like your name, address, date of birth and social date of the letter and you don't want to backdate that's not your real tactic and it will not work and I don't care what you can call me about that you can't prove it. Recipient such as experience with your address in two to three sentences that explain why you are writing a letter, what outcome you seek, what expectations you have from the letter and each disputed account such as a creditor name, account number, dispute, reason and the facts. The answer to that is all of them. All right. You should not miss any single one of these. And in the comment section. Sam asked, Should we be sending out our identification with every single letter and the answer So that is, yes, yes, every single letter needs to have your ID and your proof of address. You don't need to send out proof of social unless you are actually disputing, you know, the way that they have your social. So if your social allows for social are 1234, and they're putting 0034. And yes, you need to send a copy of your social security card or a like w two something with your actual social on it. Number five, complete this dispute reason stop reporting this account because you blank it and yet did not change the date last blank on my credit report. This means no blank occurred and this account was never verified. So we have investigation verified and reporting. So stop recording this account because you verified it and yet did not change the date last reported on my credit report. This means that no investigation occurred. And this account was never verified. So why is that? Well, you have to understand what each element of that account actually mean. Right? So when you hear me tell you that we need to know why something is reporting the way that it is, how it should actually be reported and what an inaccuracy is and what a violation is. This is what I'm talking about. Okay. So the date last reported stipulates when they verify the account, they're actually supposed to verify and then update the date last reported, right, or status update date, or, you know, whatever that element is on your credit report, if they don't update it, and yet they say hey, it's verified. That obviously means they didn't investigate right? So that is a reason to dispute. All right. Okay, so now we have a couple of more so choose the recommended account elements to dispute a charge off for removal and outside of blatant inaccuracies. Okay, so we have date last active date last paid, first day delinquency. Notice the dispute existence of it within 30 days from the date of first receipt of letter activity after the close date, such as charged off in the payment history after the account was closed or late payments after charge off DT last reported status update date last reported late payment history, high balance is lower than the balance and the answer to this is all of them. All of those reasons are available to dispute a charge off for removal outside the statute limitations, Okay, which of these are not recommended to dispute a charge off for removal unless blatantly inaccurate? So, and let me just retract what I said a charge off for removal outside of blatant inaccuracy. So my bad okay, what do these are not recommended balance limit terms status, high balance type and open date, it's going to be all of these unless the high balance is lower than the balance or again, you have white in an accuracy such as two or three different balances, right. Alright, so let's go to the next one. Choose the recommended reasons to dispute a late payment for correction outside of blatant inaccuracies. Inconsistent reporting between two to three credit bureaus remove these late payments between date and date, because experience shows 30 or 60 or 90 on dates, but Equifax shows 30 or 60 or 90 on dates and TransUnion shows 30 or 60 or 90 on dates and oldest late payment dispute, I was not late on date remove for inaccuracy. So, here again we are choosing the recommended reasons to dispute a late payment for correction and outside of blatant inaccuracies. Now, you can actually use both but it is recommended to use a prior to using B and to dispute late payments to remove an account you want to find the oldest late payment and dispute it as inaccurate. Now you can do this remember this is outside of blatant inaccuracies. So the further you go back the harder it is to verify that the will further back through their records and remember this is like way older they were using paper and you know now we're everything is digital. So they had to move everything over which means that it may have gotten you know caught in the system or fell through the cracks or something right so the older it is the harder is to verify. You went through a bankruptcy you should find inaccuracies in the following court name issued only report as a US bankruptcy court, city state filing date and docket number that my friend is true. To remove an inquiry you should send a no permissible purpose dispute letter to the credit bureaus and dispute directly with the data furnisher using a proof of authorization dispute. This is true. To remove a third party collection, you should send the validation of debt LETTER series, four letters directly to the collection agency and dispute with the credit bureaus using the unknown series. This is only one relevant per my video series. This is true. All right, how do I remove all my third party collections using that method to remove a debt buyer collection? Check off the dispute reasons that would give you the highest chance of removal such as the biggest guns, right? The biggest impact late payments on a collection account by its late by default right? Past you on a collection account is past you by default, date last active and the payment history. So it's all four of these. Who is a debt buyer that's going to be like portfolio recovery nibblin second round, excuse me second, whatever it is second, yeah, second round Calvary. Those are all Devers NCA. I can't think of any of the other ones off the top of my head. But those are all debt buyers that are not third party collectors that were assigned the debt. For those we're using that validation of debt method that I just went over. So place these in the order to correct order for the dispute hierarchy. One is most impactful 11 is the least and again, I don't have the key with me. So we're just doing this right now. Okay, so we have first dated delinquency, high balance lower than the balance past due date, less reported status update date, activity after closed date after the account was charged off. Open date, balance date less active. Notice of this view, limit and date last paid. So number one is going to be date less active number two is going to be date last paid. Number three is notice of dispute. Number four is activity after closed date after the countless charge off. Next date last reported that is update date. Next is first day delinquency. Next is higher balance lower than the balance, then pass do you then drew the last resort ones open date balance and hopefully I didn't miss anything. Okay, so we're the dispute process. This is where you're going to learn how to write disputes like a pro. Using the Jarrow formulas, you're gonna go through this checklist before sending out your dispute letter, right? And this is why I created this little book right here, where it's going to allow you to, you know, just print this out, right? You're going to print it out. And you're going to be able to fill this out for every single account that you are disputing. Okay. And you want to make sure for every single time you send out a letter that you go through the checklist, okay, so the letter includes no more than two paragraphs before your disputed accounts are the letter includes no more than 10 accounts write an additional letter to include extra accounts. disputed accounts include no more than one dispute, reason letter is void of pursuant to section blah, blah, blah, like section 609 and other law related items unless you are attacking a violation, like failure to enter the required notice of dispute pursuant to section 623, or failure to notify you of a reinserted account pursuant to section 611. So those are examples of when you can do that. Okay, the letter includes your name, your date of birth, your address, and your social, okay. And you're also going to include copies of ID proof of address and optionally proof of your social security number. Now, this is where you're going to go and answer those questions. Right. So I'm writing this dispute letter, because all right, you literally want to write this out, like sentence by sentence. All right, and we're going to put it together on a piece of paper or on Word or notepad. What's the reason for your dispute? What do you want the Bureau's to do? Why do you want them to do it? Did they perform their duties correctly on the previous round? If that's relevant, obviously, not in round one and what is the outcome that you are requesting? Okay. So, for each disputed account, write a dispute as to any dispute reason using the general formula. So we have action justifier element, reason an outcome alright. So, here we have an example of us action, this account type for inaccuracy. justifier the element is reason an outcome and you can actually take outcome out and put facts in there. But this is an example of this. So delete this charge off for inaccuracy because the date loss active reports different lien on each bureau. And then you're going to go and you're going to put in the facts, Experian reports, one 115 Equifax, two 215 TransUnion, three 315. B, remove this late payment for an accuracy because I was not late on three 316 and update to paid on time, never late. So now you're going to take your account and you're gonna break it down, I want for you to do this for every single account, every single time you send out a letter until you start to actually see these results coming in. If you're a company, and you're switching over from using templates, which are absolutely worthless that the bureaus get 1.5 million disputes per month, per Bureau, this is actually something that is really, really, really going to increase your ability to get results. And you're going to have happier clients, okay? Action is going to be like delete, update, remove, correct. So that's where you're going to choose one justifier is going to be because you can literally just write the word because element. So what are you disputing on the count the date last active, the date last paid the balance of past you, etc. And now the reason. So you're going to include facts taken directly from the credit report here, experience reports, blah, blah, blah, Equifax reports, blah, blah, blah, TransUnion reports, blah, blah, blah, you can word that however you want to. But the main point here is that we're using the information from the report, and we're putting it on here. Outcome update to paid on time, never late, change the status to new status, whatever it is, this is where you're going to put it. Okay. And then now, we're going to put it all together. So you're going to create your full dispute reason using the general formula from the previous question. I want you to write it out. Okay. All right. So for each disputed account, write a dispute reason using the Darrow formula, action justify element, reason, outcome, we are back at the beginning of this. So as you can see, it does take a little bit of time to do this. But when you are a beginner, and you don't know how to use the credit suite method, when you are not seeing results, because you've been disputing online, you've been doing phone disputes, you've been sending out templates, whatever you've been doing, even if it is the illegal identity theft method, this is going to show you how to write the perfect dispute letter, and you will be able to increase your results. Okay, so I'm going to go back, I'm going to stop sharing my screen here. And okay, so let's go in, remove. Again, if you want to see if I can do this for you, head over to my seven If you want to get access to what we just went over, you can use the link that you see on your screen to get this, which is how to write the perfect dispute letter. It's really, really simple. Click on the link, I think it's like 39 or something, you get media access to it and whatever. But if you don't want to do that, when this becomes a replay, you can go back and you can pause it and take your time to go through this. Okay, this is very, very, very, very, very important. I took my time to create this for you because it's exactly what I use for every single client every single time every single round. And dude 2021 23,000, deletions, 2020 20,000 deletion. So do I know what I'm talking about? Yes, there is no quick way to get results. There's no overnight process. There's all of those people out there that tell you that there's any other way than using the facts is doing. They're doing nothing other than trying to get you to, I don't know, click some buttons use their software like whatever. I mean, do I have products? Yes, I have products. But I also have 800 videos that I've invested the last eight years of my life to teach you how to do this the right way, right. So if you are trying to switch over from using templates to a factual process, you want to make sure that you break down everything and you take your time to learn this. Because if you were here with me in the beginning, the longer you dispute, the harder it is to get these things off. So you have to take your time to learn how to do this the right way. Now, if you did something illegal, right, like using the illegal identity theft method where you're like, Hey, I'm a victim of fraud. I'm a victim of fraud. It's so me and you want to move over to factual based disputes. Number one, you need to keep in mind, it might be harder for you because first you lie and you say hey, I'm a victim of fraud and then you're like, oh, no, I'm not a victim of fraud. But I do need to remove these accounts three here, so can you help me out? I'm not gonna want to help you out. Okay, so this is another reason why this is so important to us the information that the bureaus, the creditors and the collectors report themselves, because you're not just coming out with you know


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