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How to Dispute Each Negative Account on a Credit Report

Today I'm going to show you how to dispute each negative account on a credit report and the specific dispute reasons to use on a each account's dispute round with the credit bureaus. Note that this is for credit bureau disputes using the factual based method for credit sweeps. If you would like to check this out yourself for free, you can access it in the Subscriber's Hub at along with a ton of other free content. You can also schedule a call with me for a credit sweep at 🔮 SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🔮 ✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with IdentityIQ: ✨ 🧙‍♀️ GET HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT JOURNEY DIY awesome free tools, tutorials and downloads - 🦸‍♀️ DFY credit sweep service free consultation 🦸‍♀️ Let's jump on a call and see if I can help! I'll show you specifically how to remove negative items from your credit report. And I'm talking about everything from collections to charge-offs, repossessions to foreclosures anything that is on your credit report that you need to get removed. We're going to look at that right now. Okay, so I'm going to make this a little bit bigger and we're going to go start with collections. Alright, so the very first thing that you can say is this account is unknown. Why would you do that? Well, Well, let me explain it to you. You want to place the burden of proof on the bureau's in the collectors? And you don't want to say well I know what this collection is. No you want to say, I don't know what this is. Give me the proof giving my signature give me something that verifies this account. So remove for unknown collection and this is going to be for third-party collection. This is going to be for your medical accounts. This is going to be for your utility accounts Apartments. So on and so forth. Do not use this for for a Portfolio Recovery Midland. So on. And so forth, you understand and know the difference, at least I'm assuming that you do between a debt buyer in a third-party collection. Okay. Now, your next round can say, how did you verify this? Okay. I notified you that this account is unknown. How did you verify this without documentation? Because if you have the documentation, you would have given it to me. Right now. You can go method of collection verification. What was the method of your verification, right? Very straightforward proof of collection, validation. That would be the next. Next one, furnish immediately, the signed contract or remove this account. So, as you can see, these are very straightforward, but these are the dispute reasons and the way that you can progress. That's why it's called dispute progression. From one thing to another know. If you don't have collections, if you have late payments of bankruptcies, whatever, stay here with me, we are going to get to that. Okay. Now you can say that the collector did not verify right, The Collector did not validate. They did not send anything because if they had you would have furnished. Documentation again, then possibly you could use section 609 and if it doesn't come off by then now you need to go factual. What is factual? Well, that's a great question. You can use the information directly from your credit report, the date, the balances, so on and so forth to remove the negative item, right? So in the event of a collection, you can go after DEET last active. Now, let's move over to charge offs and I'm going to sorry that my hand just went in front of here. We're going to do charge off so Date of last activity, you need to move this account because there's three different dates under the date. Last active, remove immediately. Your next round is, how is this account accurate when the date of last activity shows three different dates and I believe that was supposed to be date of less payment. Okay, because we start with normally of the top of the pyramid where to start with that date less active and then go to D less pain. Now, you can go method of verification. Now, your reason is not going to be the method of verification. Your letter is going to State method of verifications and then your actual reason is going to be factual. Now your next one proof of validation. You can possibly use this, but you're going to use this in your actual paragraph. And then in the dispute reason, you're going to use factual. So failure to enter the required, notice a dispute, you know, different Deeds, different balances, the payment history, keep going over and over and over, right? That's the way that we do this. So when you're seeing something that proof of validation, when you're seeing method of verification, that is not the reason that goes in. In your couple of sentences at the top of your letter.


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