One of my 1st questions to prospective clients will now be: How much negative debt do you have?
Let's put that question in perspective:
Lets talk about the comparison between how much money I save you vs. the cost of my service:
Let's say that you owe $100,000.
$90,000 of that is now with 3rd party debt collectors, reporting on public records, etc. Only $10,000 of that is still reporting with your original creditors.
Out of that $100,000, I remove $95,000.
That means that I SAVED you $95,000.
What if I made my fee based off of the amount that I SAVED you?
I would place my rate at 15% of $95,000. You would pay me $14,250.
Let's get real here. I can do that, because I get the results. It's what I do for a living. I delete it from your credit report and make the debt you owe obsolete.
In reality, I give the DREAM. Debt Relief that's Easy, Affordable and Manageable.
I have the ability to charge you thousands...
Look at my pricing:
Monthly: up to 50 items; 6 month program: $999
Gold: up to 30 items; 6 month program: $750
Platinum: up to 75 items; 6 month program: $1050
Monthly payments are accepted to assist in your financial-rebuilding.
Expert Credit Sweeps provides all letters, certified mail, progress reports, credit reports and complaints made on your behalf to relieve your DOUBT and give ASSURANCE.
If you're even 1/2 as successful as my other clients, your only worry will be that you didn't call sooner, so are you ready for the DREAM?
Call to change your life today or visit the website:
(845) 481-0780
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