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What questions are going to be answered in the first video this week?

Alright so pursuant to our new policy, if you have a NON-URGENT question, you can submit it using the Biweekly Question Submission Form and all questions will be answered during the videos.

I highly suggest reading our FAQs, Q&A sessions and Questions from our Recorded Conference Calls. This is why I take the time to create these, so that you can access these quickly. I cannot tell you how many times I receive the exact same question from 15 clients in ONE night! This is why I am making videos with the questions from now on.

The very first video will more than likely go over the questions that I have already posted about and the submissions since I changed the policies.

Here are the questions that have been recently asked and will be answered during the video:

Results came back and it shows that nothing has come off! What do we do now?
There are 2 parts to this question. I am going to answer this in general terms, and then give the answer to the client who asked it.
When a round of results come in and nothing has been removed, we first look at what the actual results say, and what is reflected on the credit report. If in fact nothing has been removed, we send out the next round of letters. This is why we tell you the time frame of 3-6 months, as it is a process.

If you only needed the payment status and comments to be updated, the results would not say "deleted"; they would say "updated". Then we would take a look at the actual credit report to see what the account says. This is where we would see that the payment status and comments, along with payment history (historical payment information) have been updated to reflect "paying as agreed", or something along those lines.

Can you send the collection agencies letters right from the beginning?
No, we do not send the collection agencies letters right from the beginning. Once we dispute with the credit bureaus, they forward your dispute to the proper parties - the entire thing. We then wait for their response. If the response is not in our favor once the results come in, we send out the 2nd round. At this time, we do send separate letters to the collection agencies asking for validation and not verification of the debt.

Once you dispute with the bureaus, can you dispute with the original creditor a few days later?
No, we cannot. If we cannot resolve the issue with the credit bureaus, at that time we send letters to the original creditors and use the 623 dispute method, which is where we attempt to resolve the issue directly with the creditor. If we do not dispute with the bureaus first, we are unable to dispute with the original creditor.

I'm sure you guys have many more questions, so PLEASE submit them HERE so that I can answer them for you! I will post the Q&A videos on the Client Portal, as well as the Videos page. If you click on each video and open it in Youtube, you will find a list of the questions in the description. This is to make it easier to find the correct video for you.

Sign up HERE



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