Have you ever wondered about why the big credit repair companies have a partnership with the bureaus to get your credit reports and why they want you to settle your debt regardless of whether it hurts your credit or not? Or why they won't share the work they've done for you?
It's because they're in bed together! The credit card companies, credit bureaus and big credit repair companies and you're the victim of their schemes. You don't pay the credit card companies and it gets reported to the credit bureaus and then you hire the big credit repair company to remove the credit card from your credit report....and then have to pay it back. What?
Whatever, just food for thought.
DIY template store: https://www.expertcreditsweeps.com/store
Fiverr store: fiverr.com/creditdeletions
Want to hand over the burden to an expert? Get a free consultation at https://live.vcita.com/site/expertcreditsweeps
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