Don't fall for it!
Look, if it seems too good to be true, 99% of the time, IT IS!
Alright guys I want to talk about something that is seriously concerning me!. I received a few phone calls from prospective clients lately who have all told me
they want to know what my opinion is regarding some of the ads they saw on Craigslist. I really want to warn you guys about companies or entities like this out there who only want to steal your money. This gentleman told me that he stayed on the phone with someone at this company for 2 hours before the guy told him that it would cost $400 up front for a credit sweep and $500 upfront to receive $25,000 on a credit card. I'm not talking about a trade line that just posts on your file credit. I'm talking about a literal line of credit that he would be able to use as he feels fit. Now, do you see what's wrong with this picture here?. You're going to pay $500 and receive $25,000 in return? Come on guys, rocket science here. What I really want you guys to think about is that when you see something that is too good to be true 99% of the time it is!
I've seen the ads all over the place on Craigslist. I used to spend 10 to 20 hours a week posting my own ads before I hire someone to do it for me so that I can spend all my time working on client files. Point being, I saw many advertisements that were very similar to this. You know the one, where you pay a small upfront fee or maybe not even small, anywhere between $500 to $5,000 and you received an extraordinary amount either in as a cash loan or line of credit.
I just want you guys to you really think about how you spend your money and how much its worth to you. How do you think this guy accept payments? Western Union? MoneyGram? GreenDot? Yes to all of those! You think that they accept debit and credit cards? Heck no! If they did, you would be able to charge back. He also said that this company only had one complaint with the BBB. I also told him that many people do not make complaints with the BBB.. What they do is they post reviews online or with ripoffreport.com. I let him know how he can search on that website for this company and find out whether they've been scamming people. I would bet a lot of money that the company is listed on there.
The point of all this, is that I just want you guys to be smart. If you have any questions or you need some advice I am always here to help you..
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