The truth about credit repair & the bubble of yours that needs bursting You may be getting frustrated with your disputes and wanting to jump ship/throw in the towel/etc. I get it. Results are NOT easy to come by. It takes PATIENCE and it seems to be something that literally no one has these days. It takes HARD WORK. I could go on for like 2 hours about how lazy people are, looking for that next "get rich without lifting a finger and do it overnight" type of thing. Nobody wants to put on their big-boy pants. Well, I'm here to break your little bubble. Everyone else wants to feed you a lie and dig into your pocket. It's all about the sales gimmic. Oh, haven't you heard about the letter-to-end-all-disputes, the 14-day sweep, the 4-letter remove it or I'll sue you, the guaranteed deletion in 4 business days credit repair lies? It doesn't exist. If it did, you wouldn't be reading this because you'd be doing it or would have done it alrea...
Queen of Credit (Kristin Vargas) is a credit consulting company specializing in life restoration - not just the # of deletions. Over 15,0000 clients have unlocked their future with our assistance and we're here to help you break the chains of bad credit and escape financial jail as well.